Health Education and Life Protections “HELP” Ordinance Ordinance May 22, 2012
Presentation Outline Background Information HELP Ordinance Action Requested 2
Presentation Outline Background Information HELP Ordinance Action Requested 3
Background Information Orlando Passed DPR Ordinance on 12/12/11 Criteria Must be two (2) applicants 18 years old and competent Not married, not related Must cohabitate Joint financial and emotional dependency 4
Recognizes persons registered under Orlando DPR as Registered Domestic Partners Provides enforceable rights throughout Orange County to persons registered under Orlando DPR Allows individuals who choose not to register under Orlando DPR to name a support person Being married not a barrier to exercising rights Cohabitation not required 5 Background Information (Con’t) Mayor Jacobs’ Proposal for HELP Ordinance – 2/21/2012
Joint financial and emotional dependency not required Seniors, widows, friends, etc., can register Does not require public filing Emergency Notification limited to the extent contact information provided 6 Background Information (Con’t)
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HELP Ordinance Rights granted (to the extent allowed by federal, state or other local law): Healthcare Facility Visitation Includes dependents of Domestic Partners Jail Visitation Includes dependents of Domestic Partners Emergency Notification Guardian Decisions Healthcare Decisions Funeral/Burial Decisions Public Education Participation 8
HELP Ordinance (con’t) Enforcement Right to sue in court Declaratory relief, injunctive relief, damages, including punitive damages, reasonable attorney’s fees, interest and costs, or any other relief a court may deem appropriate Implementation County Comptroller Form(s) Costs Website Effective July 6,
Presentation Outline Background Information HELP Ordinance Action Requested 10
Action Requested Approval of Health, Education and Life Protections (“HELP”) Ordinance 11
Health Education and Life Protections “HELP” Ordinance Ordinance May 22, 2012