L ESSON 16 S LIDESHOW By: Gabriela Acebal Julia Toro Clarianne Moscoso Christopher Arnold
ARBITRATION Definition: The process in which parties involved in a dispute allow an impartial party to settle their differences.
A TTACHÉ Definition: A person assigned to serve in a specific capacity on a diplomatic mission.
C ONSUL Definition: A diplomatic official who represents his or her own government’s economic interests in a foreign country and assits fellow citizens living or traveling there.
COVENANT Definition: A binding agreement; a legal contract.
D ISCRETION Definition: The quality of using good judgement and self- restraint; the quality of acting wisely based on awareness of the potential consequences of one’s actions.
ENTENTE Definition: An understanding or agreement between two or more political powers, providing for a common course of action.
INSULAR Definition: Suggestive of the isolated life on an island; having a narrow viewpoint.
M ACHIAVELLIAN Definition: Cunning, deceitful, and underhanded in business or politics; aiming to maintain power by whatever means necessary.
P ROTOCOL Definition: A code of correct conduct.
S TATUS QUO Definition: The existing condition or state of affairs.