5 Skills to Success!
Really? Language Arts has 5 skills! Yes, and you use at least 3-4 of them every day— Can you decide which one or two is not an every day skill for you?
1. Viewing – We all watch videos, TV shows, movies, & crowds of people in malls, on the street, etc. We watch or view on a variety of screens large and small. You are about to view an animal that is like the one below but not like the one below. After the video, discuss with your partner how they are alike & not alike.
2. Listening is something you do everyday—like listening to the information about meercats. Listen to this sound with no picture – compare guesses with your partner … Listen carefully … What do you hear? Move this box after you all guessafter
3. Speaking is the 3 rd (third) skill. You have been doing that with your partners today. All peoples see and hear very much the same. Do we all speak the same? Remember, speaking is sharing thoughts out loud. Discuss with your partner why the next video is amazing-like WOW!
Reading: You have doing that today—in English even. You may even read street signs and ads every day, but do you read a text for ideas and entertainment every day or are you viewing instead? today—in Level of Education Median Earnings Not a High School Graduate Graduate $19,405 High School Graduate $26,894 Some College$32,874 Bachelors Degree$46,805 Advanced Degree$61,287 Table A – Median Earnings for Workers Aged 25 and Over by Educational Attainment: 2007 (1)
Writing: It is just thinking made visible! You are thinking right now—so you can write it! Writing Some may write tags onto photos, tweets to those who follow, or s to friends. But how many write stories for fun, long letters for friends, or essays for self-learning? In the past, writing filled so many parts of life—it can again & can also help your education & economic future! Also coolness …
Work with your partner and list all five – From least favorite to most favorite and why. My list is hidden from view … More songs/videos ELA skills: Charlie Brown and writing book reports song Preposition song (easy) U986gWXSCarw&list=PL481AAA78F60CF782 Writing a story—Subjects/Verbs Reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing
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