AOE Quarterly Meeting March 6, 2012
Agenda Update on AOE Events Advocacy for Educators in the Policy Realm – GME Funding Warren Newton- SOM Strategic Plan and other Updates Community Conversation with Frank Wilson Visiting Professor Tom Inui, MD
AOE Membership Selection March 15 evening meeting 28 new member applications 33 renewals Committee: Heather Walker, Ellen Roberts, Kathleen Rao, John Perry, Tricia White, Kurt Gilliland, Howard Reisner, Antony Viera, Peadar Noone, Julie Byerley, Beat Steiner
AOE April Faculty Development Events Visiting Professor Rita Charon, MD, PhD Thursday April 12, 3:30 Workshop on Narrative Writing in Medical Education Friday April 13, 12:00 AOE Educational Grand Rounds on Narrative Writing Friday April 13, 3:00 pm Workshop on Writing Narrative Evaluations of Students Thanks so much to the Curriculum Work Group, Barry Saunders, Sue Estroff, and Terry Holt for their work in securing this speaker! More details to follow
AOE Educational Scholarship Work Group Is peer review the sine qua non? Other outlets – MedEdPORTAL – Social media outlets – Self-published texts or blogs What about leadership in educational activities? How are faculty promoted based on educational scholarship? How best to document scholarship beyond publications Scholarship vs excellence in teaching
AOE Educational Scholarship Work Group Draft Goals Provide input to SOM to create more clear criteria for faculty on education pathway Promote and enhance implementation of scholarly activity within AOE and SOM Felt AOE members most interested in how to “do” educational scholarship Evaluate educational interventions, programs, or ideas How to disseminate How to design (and get funding)
AOE May Faculty Development Events May Educational Scholarship Visiting Professor Ruth-Marie E. Fincher, MD, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Medicine at Georgia Health Sciences University Workshop in the late afternoon May 16 Banquet in the Evening of May 16 Workshop and Noon Session on May 17 Individual appointments available – Contact Vickie
Ideas for Rhee Fincher Visit Works in progress small groups session Individual appointments Overview of educational scholarship Walking through the promotions process as an educator Building a teaching portfolio Publishing in MedEdPORTAL
AOE Awards Committee Work AOE Awards Committee is soon to recommend a faculty member to be considered for the Craven Medical Alumni Teaching Professorship AOE Awards Committee call for annual award nominations soon to be made – Be on the look out and plan to nominate! Peadar Noone, Chair
AOE Travel Grants Yearly travel funds for AOE Members to attend an educational conference Each award will cover travel expenses/registration associated with the meeting up to $ Edward Kernick, with a short paragraph (by March 15 th 2012) describing how your attendance at the meeting could benefit your education efforts and improve medical education here at UNC School of Awardees will be required to deliver a brief presentation during an AOE quarterly meeting summarizing educational enhancements/strategies discussed at the conference Preference will be given to faculty members that are presenting their educational scholarship
AOE Policy/Advocacy Work Group An opportunity to begin the work – If you would like to participate on an AOE Task Force to discuss how to advocate for GME Funding please contact Julie, Beat, Vickie, or Clark Denniston
Warren Newton
Community Conversation Tom Inui, MD Professionalism
Thank you for your participation in AOE.