SP08 General Chair’s Report Yong Guan
It’s people who make SP 2008 great!
SP08 Organizing Committee David Du (University of Minnesota/National Science Foundation, Registration Chair) David Shambroom (Intersystems, Treasurer) Patrick McDaniel (Pennsylvania State University, Program co-Chair) Avi Rubin (Johns Hopkins University, Program co-Chair) Deborah Shands (The Aerospace Corporation, S&P Chair Emeritus) All the SP08 PC members Yong Guan (Iowa State University, General Chair) IEEE TCSP Officers: Jon Millen, Cynthia Irvine, Hilarie Orman, and Terry Benzel All the 290 SP08 conference attendees
Workshops and Student Forum Two workshops (Thursday, May 22) Digital Forensics Workshop (SADFE) Web 2.0 Security and Privacy Workshop (W2SP) Student Forum (Monday night, May 19) David Du, Jon Millen, Cynthia Irvine, Terry Benzel, David Shambroom, Larry Koved, Ming-yuh Huang, Kevin Fu, and Ken Shotting students attended it and many of them told me they liked it.
Conference Supporters Gold Supporter ($10K) (Monday Lunch and Cash Award for the Best Student Paper) Silver Supporters ($5K) Bronze Supporter ($2.5K)
SP08 Travel Grant Supporters $15K $10K 39 Students and 16 junior faculty/researcher