Professional Member Education Committee (PMEC) Report to TAC Jim Dieudonne (for Steve Gorrell) January 10, 2008 Reno, NV
2 PMEC Progress For FY07, AIAA held 62 courses with over 570 registrants. Eleven new courses were developed and offered this year, bringing the total number of courses available to 85. For FY08, 42 courses are scheduled at the technical conferences and as home study/distance learning courses. Onsite courses will be scheduled as requested.
3 PMEC Progress Committee Membership - increased from 2 to 18 members Established Committee Governance Handbook Established Committee Liaisons with TAC, ETC, YPC, and Publication Committees The revision of the Bylaws to expand the scope of the committee to address educational needs of the Aerospace Community (Board approval Aug 07)
4 Current PMEC Projects New Chair - Steve Gorrell Revised Course Approval Process Revised Course Scheduling Process Course Notes Paperless! Course Survey Process Expanding the Education Partner Program (already partnering with PMI, Leaderpoint, ASM International..more to come!)
5 Benefits of TC Sponsored Course Peer recognition Promotes AIAA and TC AIAA staff handles course logistics and administration TC develops and presents course TC receives honoraria Fluid Dynamics received over $4100 for flow control course with 16 students Travel funds for instructors
6 Process to Start New Course AIAA has worked with 16 TC’s the past five years to present courses A handful act independently Step 1 – Complete course profile form TC ensures quality and content of course Step 2 – Approval by TC and/or PMEC by June 1, 2008 Step 3 – Schedule course with Tricia Carr Scheduling of FY09 courses complete by July 1, 2008
7 IDEA for TAC TC's "pay for” attendance at Professional Development courses as a form of recognition for members or student members as a “scholarship” TC's could use this along with their scholarships or other incentives. This would provide a unique benefit to a student member and also help broaden student members appreciation for the Professional Development opportunities available through AIAA as a member benefit. This could be tied to specific conference where student members are already in attendance to limit the additional expense associated with attending the course and will also allow the students to network with professionals also taking the course.
8 Contacts Steve Gorrell, Chair 801/ Patricia Carr, AIAA Staff 703/