COE Individual Accomplishments Book Chapter: “Computer Engineering Handbook” by CRC Press, USA; with Sait/Youssef’s Chapter chosen among Outstanding Academic Titles for 2002 by Choice Magazine: M. Abd-El-Barr signed a contract with World Scientific to publish book entitled “Design and Analysis of Reliable & Fault Tolerant Computer Systems”. Sait/Youssef's book on 'Iterative Computer Algorithms with Applications in Engineering' was translated to Japanese by Yoichi Shiraishi, and was published by Maruzen Publishing division this year.
COE Individual Accomplishments COE RAs for work under the supervision of Dr. Sait were awarded 4 student travel grants by IEEE and AAAI for presentation of their papers in the US. All presentations were made. – 2 awards by IEEE Neural Networks Society (Washington DC) – 1 award by IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (Hawaii) – 1 award by AAAI Conference on Genetic & Evolutionary Computation (San Francisco)
COE achievements-1 Planning: – 2 Year Tactical/Operational plan developed has been successfully implemented – Excellent faculty have been hired in the last two years Labs: – Most COE labs are being transformed to design centers and will meet the new EC2000 requirements – New Laboratories are been established/developed Performance Engineering Lab Performance Engineering Lab FPGA and Hardware Synthesis Lab FPGA and Hardware Synthesis Lab Senior Design Project Lab Senior Design Project Lab – COE Program revision is well-underway, incorporating new trends, technology and requirements – Preparation for self-assessment of COE program is complete
COE achievements-2 Projects: – During the last semester, 21 Research Project proposals were submitted and over 90% of the faculty are currently involved in research and research projects. Industrial Relations: – CISCO academy contract signed and COE network lab will be enhanced to house CISCO equipment and offer CISCO courses – Schlumberger Smart-Card Proposal has been accepted and equipment awaited Editorial Boards and Technical Committees – Faculty of COE are serving as editors of International Journals of high repute,. technical committee members of International Conferences.
COE Publications