Demographic History of the US
Original Settlers English- All Dutch- NY, NJ Scots-Irish- Western Edge of Va, NC, SC German- Pa Swedes- NJ
Great Puritan Migration
Indentured Servants vs. Slaves Problem: Bacon’s Rebellion/ Fear of Further Revolt Solution: Rise in Slavery
Movement of Indians 1600’s: Indian Wars/ Cleared out of Va and New England 1790’s-1815: NW War/ War of 1812/ Cleared out of NW 1830’s-:Trail of Tears/ Cleared out of Southeast
French Immigration Cause: French Revolution Problem: Fear of Anarchy Solution: Alien and Sedition Acts
Rebirth of Slavery Cause: Cotton Gin Problem: Sectionalism Solution: Compromises
Jacksonian Immigration Germans: Cause- Revolutions in Europe Problem- Educated/ Skilled/ Money Irish: Cause- Potato Famine Problem- Uneducated/ Poor/ Catholic
Solution: Know Nothings
Movement West 1840’s-1900
Chinese Immigration Cause: Chaos in China/ Railroads Problem: Alien Culture/ No Assimilation Solution: Chinese Exclusion Act
Japanese Immigration Cause: Modernization of Japan Problem: Yellow Peril/ Hawaii Solution: Gentlemen’s Agreement
New Immigration Cause: Revolutions/ Famine/ Persecution Problem: Anarchists/ Jews/ Labor/ Religion/ Assimilation Solution: Emergency Quota Acts/ Hull House
Hull House: Jane Addams
Great Migration Cause: Racism/ WWI Problem: More Racism/ Jobs Solution: KKK/ Small Race Riots
Braceros Cause: WWII Need for Labor Problem: Don’t return after war Solution: Op. Wetback
Baby Boom Cause: Ummmmm Problem: Overcrowding in Cities/ Ethnic Tension Solution: White Flight/ Middle Class/ Consumer Culture
Historical populations Census Pop. %± 1840 3,371 — 1850 9,479 181.2% 1860 14,358 51.5% 1870 20,045 39.6% 1880 41,659 107.8% 1890 58,313 40.0% 1900 75,935 30.2% 1910 94,538 24.5% 1920 116,309 23.0% 1930 118,700 2.1% 1940 117,536 −1.0% 1950 124,555 6.0% 1960 117,159 −5.9% 1970 102,551 −12.5% 1980 84,910 −17.2% 1990 87,492 3.0% 2000 79,318 −9.3% 2010 77,344 −2.5%
Post War Immigration Cause: Cold War/ Poverty Problem: Immigration Act of 1965 Solution: Immigration Reform Act of 1986