East Asian Geography and Economy
Landscape and Climate Landscape –Region set off from Eurasia by mountains, plateaus, and deserts People developed own societies Mountain areas thinly populated –Most Chinese live in river valleys and fertile plains
Landscape and Climate-cont. Typhoons (Cyclones) –Wind and rain storms with the force of a hurricane –Affects coastal areas Destroys property and takes lives –People live along coast because of fertile soil for farming and offshore fishing
Landscape and Climate-cont. China’s climate –Varies because of huge size of country –Hot and tropical in south to colder humid continental in the north Climate Regions –Arid China Lies north and west Dry Humid China –Also called Monsoon China –Lies south and east –Moisture comes from summer monsoon –Area is densely populated
China’s Rivers Rivers used for irrigating land Huang He River –Carries tons soil (silt) Supports farming Yangzi River Provides transportation of people and goods –35,000 miles navigable waterways –1,700 miles internal transportation Aided with China’s development and stability as an empire Provides hydroelectric power
Balancing Communism and the Economy Deng –Leader who launched reform to modernize China Reform # 1 –Expanding Agricultural Output Land government owned, but farm families leased land Allowed to make decisions about what to grow and how much to sale Part crop used to pay taxes, rest free to do as they wished –Incentive to work hard and increase crop output
Balancing Communism and the Economy-cont. Reform # 2 –Developing Modern Industry Government forced factories to become more efficient –Managers responsible for producing quality goods and for making a profit Government allowed small, private business to open Foreign investors permitted to open businesses
Balancing Communism and the Economy-cont. Reform # 3 –Improving Science and Technology Special Economic Zones (SEZ) –Foreign investors can run factories with little government regulation –Provided jobs and introduced Chinese to advanced science and technology –Sent thousands of students abroad to study
Balancing Communism and the Economy-cont. Economic Growth vs Party Leadership –Deng did not want political freedom Government relies on Communist ideology –Ideology: body of thought or theories about a culture –Both Communist and Confucian governments carefully control people Ideal of both governments has been to provide for the people’s needs and to ensure peace and order
China’s Products and the Economy China has abundant coal and iron ore in north and northeast –Help China become major steel producer South China has lead, mercury, tungsten, gold, uranium, copper, and silver –Help China become major industrial power China has huge oil reserves –Help power machines
China’s Products and the Economy-cont. Water –Used as an energy resource –Hydroelectric power plants built along great rivers and small waterways Provide power for factories and villages