Chapter 7, Section2
Limited Monarchy King Louis XVI King Louis XVI Legislative Assembly Legislative Assembly Made Laws Made Laws
Legislative Assembly 3 Groups 3 Groups*Radicals *NO KING!!! *Sans-culottes*Moderates *some changes *Conservatives *wanted King *Emigres *Emigres
Declaration of the Rights of Man Equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion Equal justice, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion “LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY” slogan of the Revolution “LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY” slogan of the Revolution
Olympe de Gouges Olympe de Gouges writes declaration of the rights of women. Olympe de Gouges writes declaration of the rights of women. Her ideas are rejected and she eventually gets head lopped off because of this. Her ideas are rejected and she eventually gets head lopped off because of this.
Louis XVI - do not write Louis is warned that he and his family are in danger Louis is warned that he and his family are in danger He decides to flee country He decides to flee country Is stopped at Austrian Netherlands border by French postmaster who recognizes him from portrait on paper money Is stopped at Austrian Netherlands border by French postmaster who recognizes him from portrait on paper money He is sent back to Paris sealing his own doom He is sent back to Paris sealing his own doom
War with Austria Austria wanted Louis XVI back Austria wanted Louis XVI back War! War! Prussia eventually joins siding with Austria Prussia eventually joins siding with Austria
3 rd Government New Legislative body New Legislative body National Convention National Convention Led by extreme radicals Led by extreme radicals
Execution of King Louis XVI After September Massacres After September Massacres Nobles, clergy Nobles, clergy Jacobins Jacobins Radicals Radicals Louis XVI guilty of treason Louis XVI guilty of treason executed executed
Jean Paul Marat Radical leader Radical leader Jacobin Jacobin “Five or six hundred heads cut off” “Five or six hundred heads cut off” Nobles, clergy Nobles, clergy He is eventually stabbed to death He is eventually stabbed to death
Guillotine New method New method Efficient Efficient Humane Humane Bloody Bloody
Maximilien Robespierre Became leader of Committee of Public Safety Became leader of Committee of Public Safety Get rid of all enemies Get rid of all enemies Reign of Terror Reign of Terror 40,000 killed 40,000 killed
End of the Reign of Terror July 28, 1794 July 28, 1794 Death Death Guillotine Guillotine Robespierre is beheaded Robespierre is beheaded
Napoleon Bonaparte 4 th new government 4 th new government The Directory The Directory 5 executives 5 executives Moderate Moderate Selected Napoleon Bonaparte as the general of their army Selected Napoleon Bonaparte as the general of their army