The French Republic
Factions in French Government The Mountain – Montagnards – Radicals/Extremest Support came from the lower middle class and the poor Most members were part of the Jacobin Club/Jacobins Girondins – Moderates Resisted extremes Supported a Constitutional Monarchy The Plain – Swing Voters Support for the Girondins later switched to the Mountain
Radical Leaders Jean-Paul Marat Wanted violence Leader of the sans culottes Georges-Jacques Danton Very popular with public Opposed what he saw as excess actions Maximilien Robespierre Intensely dedicated Led the National Convention during its most blood thirsty time
King Louis XVI National Convention placed King Louis XVI on trail Girondins wanted to avoid trail Montagnards wanted to try and execute the king to prevent the monarchy from returning January 21, 1793 – King Louis XVI was executed Executed by guillotine – a device that dropped a sharp, heavy blade through the victims neck News quickly spread – Europeans reacted with horror
Changes in Society Committee of Public Safety Drafted all abled bodied, unmarried men, ages 18-45, to protect France’s boarders Revolutionary Tribunal A court to eliminate all who threaten the Revolution from within Erase connections to old way of life Clergy members lost positions Churches were closed Roman Catholicism was replaced with Cult of the Supreme Being Metric system and new calendar were introduced