Review of new terms and some extra terms
Ton/o ◦ Tonicity or tone Ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o ◦ tendon Kinesi/o ◦ movement Fasci/o ◦ fascia -cele ◦ Hernia
When the suffix begins with a consonant use the combining vowel - /o When the suffix begins with a vowels don’t use the combining vowel - /o Fasci/o and –itis ◦ fasciitis
A- ◦ No, or none Bi- ◦2◦2 Tri- ◦3◦3 Quadr/i or Quadr/o ◦4◦4 Poly- ◦ many
Bad Difficult Painful Dystonia ◦ Condition of abnormal or bad muscle tone
Abduction Adduction Flexion Extension Elevation Depression Rotation-turns a bone on its own axis Circumduction Supination Pronation Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion
Abduction ◦ Adduction Flexion ◦ Extension Pronation ◦ Supination Dorsiflexion ◦ Plantar flexion Elevation ◦ Depression Hyper- ◦ Hypo
Word parts for muscle direction ◦ Oblique Angled ◦ Rectus straight ◦ Transverse crosswise ◦ Sphincter Ring-like
-trophy ◦ Growth or development Fibr/o ◦ Fiber, connective tissue -paresis ◦ Partial or incomplete paralysis
Location-external oblique, pectoralis, lateralis Origin & Insertion – brachioradialis, occipitofrontal Number of divisions – biceps, triceps Function – ulnar flexor (flexes the wrist), buccinator (the cheek muscle used to blow a trumpet)
Size – vastus medialis Shape – deltoid Orientation – rectus abdominus (the straight muscle of the abdomen), orbicularis oris (the circular muscle around the mouth)
Externus – exterior Gracilis – slender Lateralis-to the side Latissimus – wide Longissimus – long Longus – long Maximus-largest Medialis-toward the middle Medius – intermediate Oblique – slanted or at an angle Orbicularis – around Quadratus – square Rectus - straight Rhomboideus – diamond shaped Scalenes – irregular triangle Teres – round Transverse – crosswise Vastus - great