Royal College of Nursing Governance
2 What is our existing structure? Registered corporate charity: “The Charity consisting of the Property and Income of the Royal College of Nursing” (No ) Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (Body corporate with Royal Charter) comprising Registered unincorporated charitable trust “The Royal College of Nursing Charitable Trust (RCNCT)” (No ) 3 wholly owned trading subsidiaries: 1 RCN Publishing Company Limited 2 RCN Licensing Limited 3 RCN Membership Services Limited Corporate trustee of John Howard Nurses Home (No ) Trade Union “a special register body”
3 Current Governance Structure
4 Legal structure from April 2010 Company Limited by Guarantee RCN Sole Member Objectives 4 Professional/Royal College Objectives (same as RCN) RCN RCN Foundation Special Register Body Trade Union Charter Body registered by the Privy Council Objectives 4 Professional/Royal College Objectives I Trade Union Objective
5 Governance Arrangements from April 2010 Separate Board of Trustees RCN Charter Body Existing Governance Structure RCN Foundation
6 The Way Forward : How it will work from 1 April 2010 onwards Grant making body RCN Charter Body RCN Foundation Delivery of all RCN activity Subsidiary Company/Trading Member Subs Income Investment Income Donations/ Fundraising Grants for Charitable Activities Gift Aid Donations
7 Governance Arrangements from April 2011 Separate Board of Trustees RCN Charter Body Revised governance structure RCN Foundation
8 Why this new structure? u Is based on our current structure which values both the professional and trade union function and enhances the power of both by their working together u Has minimal Impact on:- -Services members receive -Staff delivering services u But is much clearer and easier to understand
9 Conclusions u Proposed new legal/governance structure: - Safeguards RCN - Professional Royal College & Trade Union - Compliant with Charities Act, Companies Act & TU Legislation - will support better decision making/ways of working