Arctic System Model workshop III Montreal, Canada, July 17 th, :50 – 11:10 Ocean/Atmosphere observations A. Proshutinsky, WHOI a)Model forcing validation b)Data for oceanic model validation
Data Coverage: and Temporal Spatial Model forcing validation: Air temperature, humidity, SLP, wind, SLP, cloudiness from NCAR/NCEP can be validated based on North Pole stations
Ocean model validation parameters
Sea Level data sources Monthly mean relative sea levels were provided by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute for 71 stations (see station numbers) located in the Barents and Siberian Seas. The time series of sea level variability generally cover the period between 1948 and 2008 but temporal coverage differs significantly from station to station. Red denotes stations with the most complete datasets. The best data are available from 9 stations (blue circles) for the period 1954 – /
Ocean data: T,S, currents T&S for : oceanic stations (AARI data archive) Currents: 2250 mooring sites with 9735 months data (thanks Greg Holloway for data collection)
Model-mooring error: 0.37 Model-mooring error: 0.3 Reconstructed circulation/fields: a) Chukchi Sea, Panteleev et al., JRG, 2009, submitted
Circulation of the Kara Sea based on modeling with data assimilation, Panteleev et al., JGR, 2007.
Fram Strait fluxes, AWI
Bering Strait fluxes, T. Weingartner (UAF), R. Woodgate (UW)
Fresh water and heat content