Northern Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Unit MDT meeting NECN Audit day 2012 Helen Jaretzke, Angie Tate, Jon Shenfine, Paula Brookes, Leigh-Anne Phillips, Gillian Robinson, Jonathan Stoddart
Methods Patients discussed at Friday Newcastle Multi-disciplinary Team meeting (MDT) –January 2011 – December 2011 Excludes: Patients discussed by video-link to Sunderland only Prospective data entry onto database - Dendrite Intended use: –Local, Regional & National audit –Research Data then exported onto Microsoft Excel for analysis
National Audit: Recommendations
Units Contributing to NOGCANumber of Patients Lancashire and South Cumbria 458 Greater Manchester and Cheshire 1,044 Merseyside and Cheshire 681 Yorkshire 424 Humber and Yorkshire Coast 169 North Trent 706 Pan Birmingham 360 Arden 237 Mid Trent 724 Derby/Burton 286 Leics, Northants and Rutland 577 Mount Vernon 232 West London 289 North London 88 North East London 476 South East London 265 South West London 227 Peninsula 636 Dorset 267 Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire Counties 534 Thames Valley 487 Central South Coast 684 Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire 211 Sussex 310 Kent and Medway 430 Greater West Midlands 505 North of England 1,252 Anglia 896 Essex 199
Units Contributing to NOGCA Number of Patients Lancashire and South Cumbria 458 Greater Manchester and Cheshire 1,044 Merseyside and Cheshire 681 Yorkshire 424 Humber and Yorkshire Coast 169 North Trent 706 Pan Birmingham 360 Arden 237 Mid Trent 724 Derby/Burton 286 Leics, Northants and Rutland 577 Mount Vernon 232 West London 289 North London 88 North East London 476 South East London 265 South West London 227 Peninsula 636 Dorset 267 Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire Counties 534 Thames Valley 487 Central South Coast 684 Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire 211 Sussex 310 Kent and Medway 430 Greater West Midlands 505 North of England 1,252 Anglia 896 Essex 199
North of England County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Discussions: Central Newcastle MDT n=1444 incl Carlisle excl Carlisle
New discussions n=597 + ca 522 Other incl. – Gists, HGD, LGD, Surveillance pts, Barrett’s surveillance pts, referred onto another MDT
New OG neoplasm n=437
Number of New MDT Discussions N=437 Excl. Carlisle pts
Comparison multiple discussions Excl. Carlisle pts
Carlisle Discussions
New referrals to MDT by site n=450 vs. 324 vs. 408 vs 467 vs – excl Carlisle pts – positive cancers only
Intention to treat by site No action – incl. Best supportive care & referral onto other MDT’s Friday MDT’s only
Oesophageal Cancer: (2011) Histological subtype Other incl. – Carcinoid, Leioyoma
Oesophageal Cancer: Treatment intent by histological subtype
Oesophageal cancer: Curative treatment intent
Resections breakdown
Morbidity n= n= n= n=
Mortality – surgery 2011 Please note: above figs are actual. Open and close are not included
Pathological Stage by subtype Excl. Carcinoid’s & Leioyoma’s excluded, 8 open and close excluded
Oesophageal Cancer: Treatment change Intended TreatmentTreatment Changen Neoadjuvant + SurgeryUnfit for surgery1 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryProgression of disease, no surgery4 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryRIP (1 cycle)0 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryMoved to clinical trial0 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryShortened chemotherapy due to toxicity5 Magic + surgeryNo post-op chemo given due to chest pain0 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryLow GFR, no neoadjuvant given2 Neoadjuvant + SurgeryPatient declined1 SurgeryNot fit for surgery/patient declined2 ChemoradiotherapyNot fit for CRT1
Recruitment to trials
UGI Two Week Waits 2011
2 Week Waits - Comparison
Breaches - Comparison
Issues? Re-haul of database –Now gives us what we need –Much more accurate Complications data much improved –Now introduced Clavien-Dindo/Accordian –Robust weekly system for collection of data on complications
Why complicate things…