Fundamentals of The Shot Physical Foundation Physical Foundation Mental Foundation FocusReleaseAnalysis
How to Set Up Physical Foundation Load Pellet Establish Consistent Position Establish Balance & Relaxation Establish Natural Point of Aim at Target Center
Loading Pellet Efficiently cock rifle or open chamber and load pellet Check pellet for deformities
Establish Consistent Position Set up the position the same way for each shot Use visual checks, ensure consistent buttplate placement
Establish Balance & Relaxation Make sure position is balanced while minimizing muscle tension Relax key muscles, close eyes, adjust body if balance needs tuning
Establish NPA Make sure relaxed, balanced position allows rifle to point to center of target Adjust position if NPA is not at center of target
Establish NPA NPA must be very precise for each shot How close is “close enough”? Top shooters will have their NPA within less than ½ of a scoring ring of the center of the target
You are now ready to set up the proper Focus for this Shot!