ADN Framework Overview A Collaboration of ADEPT, DLESE and NASA (2002 Nov. 7)
2 Meeting Purpose Take steps toward a draft version of ADN item-level metadata. If there are missing parts, the plug-n-play concept of ADN can be used to develop new category schema that can be plugged in later.
3 Framework Purpose Capture resource information in a structured format for discovery emphasizing : Plug-n-play vocabs and framework components Enforcement of vocabs and required metadata Geospatial, time, educational standards, concepts The ability to handle offline resources The use of XML schemas for OAI interoperability with NSDL
4 Constructing the Framework Use the main categories from IMS (e.g. general, lifecycle, metaMetadata etc.) Add other categories to account for time and geospatial components Each main category is an XML framework schema Each vocabulary is an XML schema (NOTE: plug-n-play feature of the framework and vocab schemas is used by in other DLESE frameworks… e.g. our news and opportunities framework uses the general and metaMetadata sections)
5 The XML of the Framework 1 overarching schema: record.xsd calls general.xsd (mandatory) lifecycle.xsd (optional) metaMetadata.xsd (mandatory) technical.xsd (mandatory) educational.xsd (mandatory) rights.xsd (mandatory) relations.xsd (optional) geospatial.xsd (optional) temporal.xsd (optional) space.xsd (optional) commonfields.xsd (does not appear; used by the above schemas)
6 XML Schema Development 1 Namespaces Use chameleon approach Means only record.xsd has an explicit target namespace. Other schemas use the namespace of any schema that calls them. Root element Is and is ADNmetadataType
7 XML Schema Development 2 Approach Uses the Venetian Blind approach… means… Fields are defined as built-in, complex or simple types (facilitates for re-use) Elements occuring more than once use wrapper tags ( is wrapped by ) Elements and Attributes Schema elements are generally ADN fields Attributes are used for required additional information or if two bits of info. are required
8 XML Schema Development 3 Vocabularies Hierarchal controlled vocabularies appear in an element as a colon separated “restricted” text Some elements have default vocabs commonfields.xsd Used when metadata fields (elements or attributes) appear in multiple schemas. For example, title is used in general.xsd and relations.xsd. Thus, title is defined in commonfields.xsd
9 Use Concepts 1 Required metadata w/o contr. vocabs Element must appear even if content is null Required metadata with contr. vocabs Element must appear with a vocab choice OR Values like MISSING, NOTAPPLICABLE or UKNOWN should be present The tag cannot be empty
10 Use Concepts 2 Non-required metadata with contr vocabs Element only appears if it has content The content must be from the controlled vocab MISSING etc. is not allowed is not required. But if vertical info, is entered then becomes required Non-required metadata w/o a contr vocab Element only appears if it has content Generic description field for all categories
11 Fields: tag set Subjects: Required metadata from vocabs Keywords: Non-required, free text terms or short phrases Concepts: Non-required metadata from vocabs MoreInfoIDs: Non-required metadata that use a ID # and a URL to reference terms and short phrases Simple Place & Time: defer to geospatial
12 Fields: tag set Person info Name (first, last, middle) Institutional name and department Primary and alternate Reference number (if one) to an LDAP directory Organization info Institutional name and department Institutional URL or generic Reference number (if one) to an LDAP directory
13 Fields: tag set Online Primary url and mirror urls Medium (mime type) Size, Duration Browser and other requirements Offline Description Access information Object type (rock, book, videotape)
14 Fields: tag set Expanded audience Uses GEM vocabs (toolFor, beneficiary, teaching methods) Educational standards (content, process, and teaching) that are from NSES, NCGE, NCTM Interactivity level and type Old learning context is now gradeRange Audience repeats while gradeRange is the only required audience field
15 Fields: tag set 1 big bounding box with multiple det. geos as discussed Jan to Jun 2001 Made XML implementation adjustments Made place and event separate Added projection type (used in qualified DC which NSDL will use) Added simple place and event when bounding box coordinates are unknown
16 Fields tag set Completely independent of geospatial 1 time allowed with multiple period names Choose between timeAD timeBC timePast - 30 days ago, 100 million years ago
17 Summary Questions What’s missing? Is the serialization of vocabs okay? How should we proceed on ADN collection level metadata? How and should we agree on vocab terms?