Importance of Knowledge (Ep.1:17-19) Know hope of His calling (4:4; 2:12). Col.1:5, 27; Ro.8:24-25 Know riches of glory of His inheritance in the saints Know exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe (19); Jn.11:43-44
Eyes of Heart Enlightened, 1: K.6 Ep.4:18 Mt.13:15-16 ‘Know hope of His calling’ 2:12, no hope 2:13, in Christ… ‘Riches…glory… inheritance in saints’ 2 Pt.3; Mt.16:26 ‘Greatness of His power’ (19) Leads to Paul’s praise
God manifests His power in – 1. Resurrection and ascension of Christ, Rule of Christ, 21 (2:2; 3:10; 4:8-10) 3. Dominion of Christ, 22a (Ps.8:6; Hb.2:6- 9) 1 Co.15:27; Ph.3:21 4. Headship over His church, 22b-23
Head of the church (Ep.1:22) Head... Body Preeminence, Col.1:18 Direction, 22. Work / worship / fellow- ship / terms of admission, etc. Nourishment, 4:15-16; Col.2:19 Subjection, 5:24
“…the fullness of Him” (Ep.1:23) If “Him” is subject – He fills the church (active). Ep.4:7-10; Col.2:10; Jn.1:16 If “Him” is object – the church fills Him (passive). Jn.15:1-8 wife –‘Husband’ must have a wife, 5:27 building –‘Foundation’ must have a building, 1 Co.3:11 body –‘Head’ must have a body, Ep.1
Figures for the church Flock: Shepherd Sheep Vineyard: Vine Branches Kingdom: King Citizens Body: Head Members
“Who fills all in all” (23) He would have no defect w/o us Christ Shepherd – sheep Vine – branches King – citizens Head – body Christ Shepherd – sheep Vine – branches King – citizens Head – body Body Receives all spiritual blessings (1:3) Body Receives all spiritual blessings (1:3) fills
Fruit of the gospel (Col.1:5-6) Fruit: product of righteous life Souls, Ro.1:13; 1 Co.16:15 Holy attitude and actions, Ga.5:22-23 Godly life, Hb.12:11 Praise, Hb.13:15 Giving, Ro.15:26-28; Ph.4:17
Christ’s preeminence, Col.1:15-20 Creation, 1: Image, firstborn, He created all th., Before all th., All th. consist in Him, 17 Redemption, 1: Head of church, begin- ning, firstborn/dead, All fullness dwells, 18f. 3. Reconciliation, peace, 20 Preeminence: to hold the highest rank in a group, be first, have first place... with the implication of high rank and prominence