Arrington 1 Homework Place in the middle of the table!
Arrington3 GROUP TASK Find a name for each letter of the alphabet. Which names are the same upside down? Which names are the same in a mirror? For each name, find another name written in the same style.
Arrington4 ANSWER Letter NameSymmetry Same style as Aa-nni-eRotationz-a-n-e BB-O-BH MirrorY-V-E-T-T-E CC-a-n-d-yRotationQ-u-i-n-cy DD-E-B-B-I-EH MirrorT-I-M-O-T-H-Y EE-V-EV Mirrorw-a-r-r-e-n RF-ra-nc-in-eRotationmi-ch-ael GG-r-e-gRotationIre-ne HHAN-NAHRotationNAT-HAN IIre-neRotationG-r-e-g JJ-u-l-i-a-nRotationL-i-l-y Kki-mRotationR-ob-in
Arrington5 ANSWERS LL-i-l-yRotationJ-u-l-i-a-n Mmi-ch-aelRotationF-ra-nc-in-e NNAT-HANRotationHAN-NAH OO-T-T-OBothU-N-A PP-h-i-li-pRotationv-i-rg-in-i-a QQ-u-i-n-cyRotationC-a-n-d-y RR-ob-inRotationki-m SS-u-zan-n-eRotationx-a-v-i-e-r TT-I-M-O-T-H-YV MirrorD-E-B-B-I-E UU-N-ARotationO-T-T-O Vv-i-rg-in-i-aRotationP-h-i-li-p Ww-a-r-r-e-nRotationE-V-E Xx-a-v-i-e-rRotationS-u-zan-n-e YY-V-E-T-T-EV MirrorB-O-B Zz-a-n-eV Mirrora-nni-e
Arrington6 RolesOf Group Members
Arrington7 READER Read the steps of the activity aloud and makes sure each member understands the task; ask teacher for help when needed. Read the steps of the activity aloud and makes sure each member understands the task; ask teacher for help when needed.
Arrington8 MATERIAL MANGER Handles the materials at the station and makes sure the materials are put back in place at the end of the activity. Handles the materials at the station and makes sure the materials are put back in place at the end of the activity.
Arrington9 FACILITATOR Make sure that each student in the group has a chance to speak and pose questions: makes sure each student agrees before answer is written down. Make sure that each student in the group has a chance to speak and pose questions: makes sure each student agrees before answer is written down.
Arrington10 TIMEKEEPER/ SPOKESPERSON Tracks group’s progress to ensure the activity is completed in the allotted time; speaks for the group during debriefing session. Tracks group’s progress to ensure the activity is completed in the allotted time; speaks for the group during debriefing session.