Sunday School Class as Commission Bob Mayfield Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Class as Commission Reflections from the Mission Mosaic
Class as Commission The class/group “owns” its mission Responsibility lies with the “smallest common denominator”
Class as Commission Mission Vision Passion
Class as Commission Urgency From “journey or process” to… “Destination”
Class as Commission Members share often about what God is doing in their life. “…and awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done…” Acts 2:43
Class as Commission From Community to “Communitas”
Class as Commission “Making Disciples”, not attenders is the Prime Directive
Class as Commission Focus on Personal Growth Above Corporate Growth
Additional Resources Acts 1:8 Prayer Bookmark Class Prayer Guide Missional Christian Survey
Average Increase per Sample Church BeforeAfter Increase Pursuing % Presenting % Partnering %