ANNOUNCEMENTS -Bibles: $15 with S&H, Prove It Catholic Teen Bible -Powerschool Username/Password: forgotten/lost username or password- please sign list outside the classroom. I will forward to Mrs. Fetters -Indoor Recess donations -Background Checks/Volunteer Covenant
HOMEWORK -length: betw/15 min-1.5 hrs (this includes studying!) -2 homework passes -I stamp each agenda each day during the first trimester ABSENCES -students have as many days to make up work as they were absent -students should make up their work when they return from a sickness EXTRA CREDIT -Science, Religion and Vocab. extra credit available. Print out OR to me, before test. Because extra credit is available throughout the trimester, I don’t offer projects at the end. FRIDAY FOLDERS -all quizzes and tests returned signed CORRECTIONS -on quizzes/tests that are D or F -made in red, on the test, for half the original point value -only for the 1 st trimester STUDYING -students should try several different methods until they learn what works for them -we typically have at least one quiz or test weekly, sometimes more. -quizzes and tests will be posted days in advance -in order to do well, at least minutes should be spent preparing for a quiz/test
MID-TERMS/FINALS -end of Jan. and beginning of June -study packets, completed work, previous tests POWERSCHOOL -only new students have new usernames and passwords -Powerschool should now be active, your old password still works this year. -if you don’t remember your password, please let me know -parents should check Powerschool once a week -share password w/child to promote responsibility PROGRESS CONFERENCES - October meeting w/all parents -Follow-up conferences on an as- needed basis with the middle school team CONDUCT/EFFORT -Incentives - Be Positive tickets - Mustang Mornings -CLASS DOJO pointsCLASS DOJO -Conduct/Effort: O, G, S, I, U - Students conduct/effort grade begins at a G. An ‘I’ or ‘U’ earned means the student is not eligible for honor roll. -Conduct: each behavior warning lowers conduct grade -Effort: each assignment warning lowers effort grade
RELIGION Objective: Students will understand, integrate and value more fully the Catholic Faith in their everyday lives. Focus: Old Testament Materials: Our Bibles, Blest Are We textbook, Family Life workbook Assessment/Enrichment: chapter tests, family projects, group projects, peer interaction in school/church, Prayer Partner activities, contemplative prayer, class prayer services, etc.
READING/VOCABULARY Objective: Students will develop their oral language skills as well as improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension Materials: WONDERS which teaches Reading skills such as identifying character, setting, plot, theme, etc. that are then applied in our Literature-based program using novels like Number The Stars, The Cay, Rules and The Westing Game; monthly choice books; VOCABULARY WORKSHOP book Assessment/Enrichment: book/unit tests, book reports, group projects, class discussions, online review games, smartboard activities
SOCIAL STUDIES Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the geography, characteristics, culture and history of some of the most ancient civilizations on our planet; Ancient Egypt, Ancient China & India as well as Ancient Greece & Rome. Materials: World Cultures and Geography textbook, Life In….Portfolios, webquests Assessment/Enrichment: Art projects, chapter tests, portfolio assessments, culture projects, festivals/games, field trips