Guy Fawkes Day A British Holiday. Date The 5 th of November.


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Presentation transcript:

Guy Fawkes Day A British Holiday

Date The 5 th of November

Another name of the holiday Bonfire Night

The History In 1605 King James I was on the throne. He was a Protestant and he hated Catholics... James ordered all Catholic priests to leave the country.

The History Guy Fawks and some of his friends decided to do away with the King and the Members of Parliament who were making life difficult for Catholics. On the 5 th of November he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

Guy Fawkes’ Plan The plotters rolled 36 barrels of gunpowder into the cellar, just under the House of Lords. The idea was to set off the gunpowder as soon as the King opened the new session of Parliament on the fifth of November.

The Plot was Discovered It became clear that some innocent people would be hurt or killed in the attack. One of the group members sent an anonymous letter warning his friend Lord Monteagle (to stay away). The warning letter reached the King. The plot was discovered.

The arrest In the early hours of the fifth of November, Guy Fawkes, who was hiding in the cellar with the 36 barrels of gunpowder, was arrested and taken to the Tower of London. He was tortured there. He confessed. Finally he was executed on the 31 st of January, 1606.

Traditions Boys and girls make a dummy and call it “Guy”. They take old clothes and stuff them with straw or newspapers.

Traditions Then they march their “Guy” through the streets asking people for money: “A penny for the Guy, mister?” If they collect enough money, they go and buy fireworks – rockets, sparklers and the like.

Traditions When it gets dark, everyone, children and adults, make a huge bonfire and burn the dummy on it. As the dummy burns up, fireworks are set off and everyone chants a rhyme.

The Rhyme Remember, remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder treason and plot. We see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.

Food Special foods go with the bonfire and the festivities: Sweet chestnuts; Baked potatoes; Toffee apples.

How to Make Toffee Apples Push a stick into each apple. Put sugar and water into a heavy saucepan; heat gently till the sugar is dissolved, stirring constantly. Add butter, golden syrop and lemon juice and stir well. Turn up heat and boil without stirring till toffee thickened. Remove from heat. Butter a big plate. Dip each apple into toffee, then plunge it quickly into bowl of cold water and stand on plate.

Souvenirs They sell different things connected with the holiday: cups, clothes etc.

Questions. Answer 7 questions and get points for your team!!! Correct answer in Russian – 1 point. Correct answer in English – 2 points.

Question 1. What is another title of the party?

Question 2. In which country do they celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?

Question 3. What date is it today?

Question 4. Why do we gather today, not in October, not in December?

Question 5. Who was Guy Fawkes?

Question 6. Which rhyme does everyone chant? Can you chant this?

Question 7. What is the traditional food for this holiday?

The End Thank you for your attention!