Jeopardy Babies R Us Malthus may be a genius or… Numbers numbers everywhere Growing pains People Everywhere Who’s my next-door neighbor
The measure of the number of babies born in a society per every 1000 people alive in that society is.. Answer Category
Answer Category The measurement of the number of babies that will die before reaching the age of 1 per every 1000 births is the
Answer Category It can be hypothesized that Less Developed Countries will have higher infant mortality rates than do More Developed Countries because….
Answer Category The best measurement of an individual woman’s behavior when it comes to childbearing activities..
Answer Category If the women of a particular country have a TFR below 2.1, the country is said to be in this stage of population growth…
Thomas Malthus is widely know for his prediction that the world would face this problem Answer Category
Malthus’s prediction that the world’s population would reach 10 billion by 2000 was too high because Answer Category
According to Malthus’s theory, the world’s population increases _____________ while the world’s food production increases _____________________.. Answer Category
Answer Category Malthus’s critics may argue that an increasing population may also produce…
According to Neo-Malthusians, an increasing population strips the world of natural resources, which may lead to Answer Category
Arithmetic Density is computed by dividing a country’s Answer Category
Land that is able to produce agricultural products is known as… Answer Category
A country places a large amount of pressure on its arable land to produce enough food for its population if it has a high… Answer Category
Arithmetic Density helps to determine what about a country’s population… Answer Category
A country’s economic status and activity can be explained in part by this measurement… Answer Category
Answer Category There are no countries in the world that are currently in this stage of demographic transition
Answer Category This event that caused Europe and North America to move from Stage 1 Low Growth into Stage 2 High Growth was the…
Answer Category What type of population pyramid would an LDC have?
Answer Category This statistic may be used to determine when a country reaches Zero Population Growth…
The Industrial Revolution helped to increase the population growth of a nation because… Answer Category
Contraceptives are also know as… Answer Category
The Crude Birth Rate and Total Fertility Rates may be limited by providing this to women… Answer Category
While ¾ of the women in Latin America employ birth control methods, the impact of contraceptives has been far less successful on this continent Answer Category
In country’s where women have relatively low social status; they may wish to have more a large number of children because… Answer Category
Adherents of this religion may oppose birth control methods on religious grounds… Answer Category
The world’s most populous country is… Answer Category
Answer Category The four world regions with the highest population concentrations are…
The world’s population is growing the fastest in these two regions… Answer Category
Answer Category The people of Europe primarily work in these types of jobs...
The portion of the Earth’s surface occupied by permanent housing settlements is… Answer Category
Crude Birth Rate Category
Infant Mortality Rate Category
MDCs have better healthcare, the people of MDCs are better educated about prenatal care, People in MDCs may lead healthier lifestyles, etc. Category
Total Fertility Rate Category
Stage 4, Low Growth Category
Category Overpopulation
Did not account for social changes Category
Geometrically, Arithmetically Category
Greater ability to produce food Category
Conflict, Competition between countries Category
Total Population/Total Land Area Category
Category Arable Land
Category Physiological Density
Category How concentrated or dispersed the country’s population is
Agricultural Density Category
Stage 1, Low Growth Category
Industrial Revolution Category
Triangle Category
Total Fertility Rate Category
Greater Wealth was generated leading to healthier lifestyles Category
Category Birth Control
Better Education, Birth Control Practices Category
Africa Category
A large number of children means that they have a higher social status Category
Catholics, Muslims, Hindus Category
Category China
East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe Category
Asia, Africa Category
Industrial, Tertiary Category
Category Ecumene