The Restoration
From Tumult to Calm ____ years of civil war Devastating _____ ______ that left more than 2/3 of Londoners ______ The ______ class grew
Augustan and Neoclassical Stuarts restored ______ and order People were weary of ______ and suspicious of _____________ and radicals. Neoclassical – “ ______ classical”; English writers modeled their works on the old Latin ______ since they represented what was __________ and _________ in human experience
Reason and Enlightenment Prior to now, people believed disasters to be ___________ or ____________. In the Enlightenment, people gradually stopped asking “why” and started asking “ ______ ” – figuring out the ________ behind it.
Changes in Religion New _________ and ________ explanations gradually began to affect some people’s religious views. ______ – a Creator sets the universe into motion, then ________ and lets it run itself Christianity still remains extremely ________ over almost all Europeans
Religion and Politics _______ determined people’s politics. Charles II reestablished the ________ Church (called _________ in the US) as the official church of England.
The Bloodless Revolution It was widely believed that Catholics had set ______ to London, caused other disasters, and were plotting to hand the country over to the ______. James II, a practicing ______, succeeded Charles II. When his wife produced a Catholic ______, leaders transferred power to his ______ and her ______ husband. James II and family fled the country.
Addicted to the Theater When ______ were in power, theaters were ______, so Charles II repealed the ban on ______ performances. Boys and men no longer acted the ______ roles – _________ were available.
The Age of Satire ______ – writing that does not make a ______ and _______ judgment of people and their behavior but rather says the ______ things about them that the poet can think of saying (public ______).
Journalism & Poetry Journalists saw themselves as ______ of public manners and ______. Poets had no desire to ______ their ______; they thought of poetry as having a ______ rather than a ______ function.
The First English Novels Novel – “something ______”; long ______ narratives A development of the ______ class Often broad and comical
Searching for a Simpler Life Writers began turning to external ______ and writing about the effect of the ______ landscape on the ______ soul. Looking back at the ______, searching for simple poems and songs.