Post-Colonial Africa Main Idea: Newly independent African nations struggled with poverty, conflict, and ineffective governments. In recent years some countries sought better government by holding democratic elections.
Background Historical Issues in Africa? European Imperialism Kingdoms Slave Trade European Imperialism Berlin Conference Scramble for Africa Pan-African movement Ignored Kwame Nkrumah
Why did Europeans give up their colonies after WWII? Too Expensive Nationalist Movements emerge
What were challenges to unity in newly formed independent African states? How “Nations” had been formed Ethnic Rivalries Civil Wars Different Languages Different Religions Different Traditions Most peoples first loyalty is to tribe
How and why did dictators gain power in many newly formed independent African states? Many heroes of independence movements create one party dictatorships Patronage Claim multi-party government hurts unity Eventually become repressive Mobutu Sese Seko If civil unrest comes, military leaders seize power in a coup d'état and create new dictatorship
How and why did some African states move towards democracy in the 1990s? Lack of Cold War funding began to weaken some of the dictators’ gov’ts Saw as opportunity to create democratic gov’ts Western governments and World Bank refuse to loan money if no democracy 2005-More than 30 African countries abandoned one-party systems for elections
Other Issues: Struggling Economies Disease Desertification Limited exports Corrupt leaders/huge debts Disease Malaria (most common cause of death) AIDS Desertification
Compare and Contrast Africa and America today. USA -30-40 million Africans face starvation -Over 1 million die from famine per year -In East Africa, roughly 15 million face famine -Nutrition levels have decreased 30% in the past 30 years -In 2003, 2 million tons of food relief was delivered -In 20 years, AIDS has killed 9 million farm workers -In some areas 30% of the population has AIDS -US is the most overweight country in world -15% of American kids are overweight, and rising -$117 Billion was spent on obesity related illness -$1 Billion was spent on weight loss drugs -2/3 of Americans are overweight -Only 20% of kids exercise today compared to 80% in the 1960’s -Many schools have snack and soda machines -AIDS affects 1% of US population