The Central Nervous System
Neuron è The basic functional unit of the CNS è Exhibits excitability è Exhibits conductivity
X The microscopic gap separating neurons Synapse Synapse
Neurotransmitters A chemical substance capable of transmitting an impulse across the synaptic cleft A chemical substance capable of transmitting an impulse across the synaptic cleft l Contained in small sacs called vesicles
Variety of neurotransmitters è Cause acute CNS reaction è Small molecule è Rapidly acting Which are these? Which are these?
ANSWERS: ¶ Acetylcholine · Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin ¸ Asparate, Gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA), Glutamate, Glycine
Variety of neurotransmitters: è Causes prolonged CNS reactions è Large molecule è Slow acting Which are these? Which are these?
Answers: ¶ Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) · Insulin
Factors: s Synaptic fatigue s Upregulation s Downregulation
Dysfunction s Excessive stimulation: 1. Muscle cramps 1. Muscle cramps 2. Convulsions 2. Convulsions 3. Psychotic symptoms 3. Psychotic symptoms 4. Hallucinations 4. Hallucinations 5. Tension 5. Tension
And s Depression results in: 1. Decreased levels of consciousness 1. Decreased levels of consciousness 2. Respiratory depression 2. Respiratory depression
Narcotics and Analgesics t Mechanism of action: Bind to opiod receptors on cell membranes of specific neurons in the brain resulting in decreased pain Bind to opiod receptors on cell membranes of specific neurons in the brain resulting in decreased pain
Analgesics & Antipyretics n Mechanism of action: Inactivates cyclooxegenayse which prevents prostaglandin formation Inactivates cyclooxegenayse which prevents prostaglandin formation
Sedatives & Hypnotics l Barbiturates l Benzodiazepines l Nonbarbiturates & Nonbenzodiazepines
Mechanism of Action Barbiturates Barbiturates u Inhibits function of nerve cells of nerve cellsBenzodiazepines u Bind with receptors to increase the effects of GABA
Antianxiety Drugs H Benzodiazepines are the most common H Mechanism of action: Facilitate the inhibitory effects of GABA Facilitate the inhibitory effects of GABA
Antidepressant Drugs è Types of drugs: 1. Tricyclic antidepressants 1. Tricyclic antidepressants 2. SSRI 2. SSRI 3. MAOI 3. MAOI
Mechanism of Action ò Increases the amount of neurotransmitters (serotonin & epinephrine)
Antipsychotics Z Treats psychotic processes Z Mechanism of action: Decreases the effects of Dopamine by occupying receptor sites
Anticonvulsants n Treats seizure disorders n Mechanism of action is unclear May: May: 1. Decreases neuronal excitability 2. Prevents spread of impulses
Alcohol ã Depresses the CNS ã Rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestines ã Quickly distributed to all body tissues