Access to Enabling Technologies for Innovation Eloisa Acha, Rudi Ngnepi National Instruments
The Impact of Engineering Save time, effort, and money Improve quality of life and safety We all know the immense impact that engineers have. They are increasing wealth by saving companies and people time and money, and improving the quality of life and safety for all of us.
Connectivity Data Analytics INDUSTRIAL Internet of Things CONSUMER Internet of Things SMART SMART Factory Phone Grid Wearable Connectivity Data Analytics Machine TV City Appliances Car Home Based on Moor Insights & Strategy's report "Segmenting the Internet of Things (IoT)"
Hyper-Connected Infrastructure System of systems
Our Mission We equip engineers and scientists with systems that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery. These challenges are being compounded by increasing complexity of systems today and the rapid pace of technology change. Only a decade ago, a mobile phone testing application would be about transmitting and receiving signals. Today, it’s a much more comprehensive device capable of serving almost limitless applications defined by software and therefore requiring a much more robust approach to design and test.
Global Negawatt Challenge
Meet Ups 4 events Attendees: approx. 100 Bridged the gap between the challenges and feasibility Inspired teams to leverage technology to drive an impact
Access to Industry-Grade Software and Hardware Development Tools Challenged local engineers to develop relevant solutions for the meet ups Consulted with projects to determine appropriate products to meet their needs Exposed local teams to cutting edge and flexible platforms
Technical Support and Mentorship Connected experienced NI engineers with local teams Assisted on technical architecture reviews Consulted on best practices to achieve objectives Communicated through online forums and emails
Lessons Learned Talent Recruit from the top technical schools and select for significant technical contribution Enhance engineering schools curricula with hands-on, system design approach Resources Greater exposure to case studies as well as technologies and trends Missed opportunity to maximize mentors and coaches Process Local innovation spaces with shared-equipment where people can continue to innovate post competition