Warm Up Place the three red boundary cards in a row in front of you. With your partner, place each of the remaining cards under the appropriate plate boundary. Pay attention to how your desk is set, you need to leave it that way at end of class Homework: complete study guide, study for test Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary Transform Boundary
ConvergentDivergentTransform BoundaryBoundaryBoundary Plates collide plates move awayplates move past Destroy crust create crustdon’t destroy/create Island arc mid-ocean ridge Folded mountains sea floor spreading Subduction zone Coastal mountains
EQ: How do the characteristics and composition of earth’s layers contribute to evolution of earth’s surface? Obj: TLW be able to model the 3 different plate boundaries and the features they produce using a candy bar and completing sketches and writing discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the selected model.
Competency Goal 5The learner will build an understanding of evidence of evolution in organisms and landforms 5.01 Interpret ways in which rocks, fossils, and ice cores record Earth’s geologic history and the evolution of life 5.02 Correlate evolutionary theories and processes 5.03 Examine evidence that the geologic evolution has had significant global impact Distribution of living things Major geological events Mechanical chemical weathering
DateSession # ActivityPage # 9/7,85EQ: How characteristics and composition of Earth’s layers contribute to evolution of its surface 12 Continental Drift Foldable13 9/9-146,7Tectonic Plate Map Exercise14 Plate Boundaries Foldable15 9/15-168Edible Tectonics Lab16 The Argument for a Model17 Table of Contents
Choosing a model 1.With your group, analyze the characteristics of each candy bar (Milky Way and Butterfinger.) You will be using one of these candy bars as a model for the earth while demonstrating plate movement & boundaries. 2.List the advantages and disadvantages for each candy bar on page 17 of your notebook. Leave plenty of room below for additional writing!!
Write an argument!!! Which candy bar will be the best to use as our model for earth during this activity? Why? Beneath your list of advantages and disadvantages, write an argument for the candy bar you believe will make the best model of earth in this activity. Complete thoughts, sentences, punctuation, evidence/scientific concepts…….!
Pg 16 & 17 of your IN should look similar to this aslkdj[oinvvrtuvporvpneiotpqoiervpoqeirutvnpqoeiunqepoitunq Asldkfjljf ;laskdjf ;l velkj ;sodivj poierjtv alk ;aildut pqoij;lkds ;aoidsu fpqoirj;lkdsvn ;erkjt[qoeri [qpoij ;lam fou[ripoqu [pokef asldkjrioejv aposdifj a[oidsj a [peojt a;lmd fa 5. aslkdj[oinvvrtuvporvpneiotpqoiervpoqeirutvnpqoeiunqepoitunq Asldkfjljf ;laskdjf ;l velkj ;sodivj poierjtv alk ;aildut pqoij;lkds ;aoidsu fpqoirj;lkdsvn ;erkjt[qoeri [qpoij ;lam fou[ripoqu [pokef asldkjrioejv aposdifj a[oidsj a [peojt a;lmd fa Model Advantages and Disadvantages Milky Way Butterfinger slkdj[oinvvrtuvporvpneiotpqoiervpoqeirutvnpqoeiunqepoitunq Asldkfjljf ;laskdjf ;l velkj ;sodivj poierjtv alk ;aildut pqoij;lkds ;aoidsu fpqoirj;lkdsvn ;erkjt[qoeri [qpoij ;lam fou[ripoqu [pokef asldkjrioejv aposdifj a[oidsj a [peojt a;lmd fa slkdj[oinvvrtuvporvpneiotpqoiervpoqeirutvnpqoeiunqepoitunq Asldkfjljf ;laskdjf ;l velkj ;sodivj poierjtv alk ;aildut pqoij;lkds ;aoidsu fpqoirj;lkdsvn ;erkjt[qoeri [qpoij ;lam fou[ripoqu [pokef asldkjrioejv aposdifj a[oidsj a [peojt a;lmd fa
Can you scientifically predict the future??? 1.Using the data provided, continent pieces, and your plate boundary map, see if your group can correctly predict the arrangement of the continents 250 million years in the future. 2.Sketch your prediction using the vis a vis marker on the white laminated paper. Be prepared to share and explain!!
Can you see into the future? Scale for your map: 1 cm = 1400 km (divide 250 million year movement by 1400 to determine movement on map) Pay attention to the arrows showing direction of plate movement! PlateSpeed (cm/yr)Movement in 250 million years African.66 cm/yr1650 km Eurasian.95 cm/yr2375 km Indo-Australian8.5 cm/yr2125 km North American2.31 cm/yr5775 km South American3.55 cm/yr8875 km
250 million years in the future