STEPS TO MAKING A DECISION Define the problem Write it down Brainstorm possible solutions, choices, & options. Important decisions are best made after an evaluation of all the options have been considered Explore & evaluate the outcomes of choices Rank, choose, evaluate, and narrow down
Make a decision and act on it. Do what needs to be done, be flexible Rock Paper Scissors Did you do any of this during the game? Stew over it for days On a whim Out of habit Based on tradition Out of guilt Based on other’s expectations Using facts and logic Using you values
Evaluate the results Looking at results of the decision and evaluating
Accept responsibility for the results Consequence – Every decision has them. We don’t always know what the end will be but follow values and goals to help decide.
Everyday routine decisions should be consistent with our VALUES and GOALS. Important decisions should be made by evaluation of all the OPTIONS.
How do I make a Financial Plan? 5. 5.Create and use your financial plan of action.
How do I make a Financial Plan? 6.Review and revise your plan. As we get older and our circumstances, our finances, needs, and wants will change, therefore, our financial plan must be flexible as well.
Values strongly influence our spending habits. We don’t usually spend our money on things we do not feel are important. Typically, the more important something is, the more we are willing to spend on it.