A Chair For My Mother *Robust Vocabulary* Created By: Mrs. Rodriguez June 2009
allowance If you get money for doing chores or helping at home, you may get an allowance.
*When I was little, I got an allowance each week for helping to set the table. *Gina had been saving her allowance for months so she could buy her mother a birthday gift. allowance
* Would someone get an allowance for doing the dishes or for breaking them? *What are some things that you might do at home to earn an allowance? *What are some things you would like to spend your allowance on? allowance
rosy If something looks rosy, it looks pink.
*Mom’s cheeks were as rosy as tomatoes. *A rosy sunset fills the sky with red and pink colors. rosy
*Which of these might you describe as rosy- a sunburn or dark, brown hair? *How would you look if you had rosy cheeks? *Tell about a time when your cheeks were rosy. rosy
thrifty If you are thrifty, you are careful about spending money.
*Grandma was thrifty so she always looked for a good bargain on the things she bought. *Are you thrifty if you don’t care about the price or if you look for sales? Explain. thrifty
* Do you think it is better to be a thrifty person or a person who spends a lot of money? Why? * How can you tell if someone is a thrifty person? thrifty
industrious If you are industrious, you are hard- working.
*The girl was industrious because she worked hard at the diner after school. *Industrious workers make sure to get their work done. industrious
* Would you be an industrious worker if you worked hard or if you were lazy? Explain. *Would you like to be described as industrious? Explain. *What are some things an industrious student is most likely to do? industrious
bargain If you didn’t have to pay much to buy something good, you got a bargain.
*I always find great bargains at Target. *Suppose you found peaches for $0.30 a pound. Would that price be a bargain if the fruit was rotten? Why or why not? bargain
* Would you be getting a bargain if you paid $5.00 for a candy bar that usually costs 50 cents? Explain. *When you shop for a present, should you try to find just the right present for the person or should you look for a bargain? Explain. *How can you tell if something is a bargain? bargain
spoiled If you spoiled something, you damaged or ruined it.
*I spoiled my dinner by eating my dessert first. *He spoiled the movie for me when he told me what was going to happen at the end. spoiled
* Is a torn shirt spoiled? Explain. * What might cause a picnic or a party to be spoiled? * Describe what spoiled fruit looks and smells like. spoiled
comfortable When you are comfortable, you feel good just as you are.
comfortable *How would comfortable shoes feel on your feet? Would they feel tight or could you wiggle your toes in them? *I feel very comfortable wearing my pajamas!
*Would you be comfortable sitting on a soft chair? Explain. *What kind of bed do you think is comfortable to sleep in? Why? *Are you more comfortable in a soft chair at home or in a chair at school? Explain. comfortable
boost If you give someone a boost, you lift him or her up to reach something.
*Ricky’s dad gave him a boost so that he could see the parade. *She boosted her little brother up to reach the game on the high shelf. boost
* When might you give someone a boost? *When might it not be a good idea to give someone a boost? *Would you need a boost to touch the ceiling? Explain. boost
When you exchanged things, you gave something to someone and you got something else in return. exchanged
*I had to exchange my pants for a bigger size because they did not fit me. *He exchanged his old pencil for a new one. exchanged
*You were given a sweater that looks exactly like a sweater your best friend has. Is this something you would have exchanged? Why or why not? * Which word has almost the same meaning as exchanged: swapped or tore? exchanged
If you deliver something, you take it from one place and bring it to another. delivered
*I ordered Jimmy John’s for lunch and had it delivered. * The delivery man gave me an important package. *The mailman had to deliver all of the mail before 1:00pm. *The food was delivered just in time for the party! delivered
*What kinds of things might be delivered to our school? *Which word has almost the same meaning as delivered: brought or kept? Explain. *What kinds of things are delivered by postal workers? delivered
My mom gave me an ________ for cleaning my room. A. allowance B. rosy C. thrifty D. industrious
My mom gave me an allowance for cleaning my room.
My cheeks were ____ when I finished running in gym. A. allowance B. rosy C. thrifty D. industrious
My cheeks were rosy when I finished running in gym.
She is very ______ because she saves her money. A. bargain B. thrifty C. spoiled D. delivered
She is very thrifty because she saves her money.
Someone who works very hard is __________. A. thrifty B. rosy C. industrious D. exchanged
Someone who works very hard is industrious.
The lady found a great ______ when she went to the store. A. comfortable B. boost C. exchanged D. bargain
The lady found a great bargain when she went to the store.
The food was left out on the counter and it became ________. A. spoiled B. boost C. delivered D. exchanged
The food was left out on the counter and it became spoiled.
The fluffy chair was much more _______ than the wooden one. A. spoiled B. comfortable C. rosy D. thrifty
The fluffy chair was much more comfortable than the wooden one.
The man gave his son a ______ so that he could reach the sink to wash his hands. A. industrious B. boost C. bargain D. comfortable
The man gave his son a boost so that he could reach the sink to wash his hands.
Maria ________ her shirt for a new one because it did not fit her. A. industrious B. boost C. exchanged D. comfortable
Maria exchanged her shirt for a new one because it did not fit her.
The pizza was ________ an hour after we ordered it. A. spoiled B. comfortable C. rosy D. delivered
The pizza was delivered an hour after we ordered it.
Can you read these words? 1. allowance 2. rosy 3. thrifty 4. industrious 5. bargain 6. spoiled 7. comfortable 8.Boost 9. exchanged 10. delivered