The complete guide to ensure you receive the Golden Nugget Award! MINING THE GOLDEN NUGGET
The Golden Nugget is our Northern Regions unique award that ensures the Northern Schools are on their way to achieving either the Silver or Blue Star Award at The State Conference. Overall, the criteria is fairly simple making the award easily obtainable by every council in the Northern Region, and this “mini-workshop presentation” is my way of ensuring that every council in our region is aware of this award. WHAT IS THE GOLDEN NUGGET?
Because the criteria are things most Councils already take part in, it’s fairly simple to add this award to your Council’s repertoire. THE CRITERIA
No need to fear, the Northern Rep is here! NEED IDEAS?
Remember, these things don’t have to be that complicated, in most cases the more simple, the better! ’ve compiled three possibly options to help launch your relationship with your sibling school: The classic “Pen-Pal” letter. “Survival Kit”, get creative and send your sibling school survival kits filled with everyday objects. Send a questionnaire asking about what activities have gone well in the past, or new things they plan on trying in the future. BROTHER/SISTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
Here’s a few projects to help better your campus: The classic campus clean up, pick up trash, remove the dreaded graffiti, etc. Add a fresh coat of paint to anything that may need it around your campus. Here’s a few ideas that are sure to boost school spirit: Start a pep club, and watch as it grows into something great. Host a somewhat random spirit week for seemingly no apparent reason, we all need a little variety in our lives Host a dodge ball tournament at some point during the year, I mean who doesn’t love dodge ball? FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOUR SCHOOL
Staff Appreciation activities show that your council appreciates every part of your schools staff and mean a lot to those staff, a few ideas are: Hold any sort of event where you serve the staff food, everyone loves food, especially free food, sundaes work really well. Make door decorations, or name signs for each staff member, you can even have them request a theme or specific details. Start a staff member of the month program, where an outstanding staff member is rewarded and recognized every month. Community Service is one of the easiest things to complete as a Student Council because there are so many options, but here are a few ideas: Hold any sort of food/clothing drive. Initiate a Miracle Minute. Prepare a benefit dinner, and donate all proceeds to a worthy cause. STAFF APPRECITAION, AND COMMUNITY SERVICE
Trust me, that’s even easier… HOW TO APPLY FOR THE AWARD
In an effort to keep the application process simple, and to boost the Northern Regions participation in chasing the Silver Star Award, I will be checking for the criteria in your final scrapbook, that is submitted during the State Conference. To draft a list of schools who are interested in applying for this award, I will be sending a simple application to schools, that will outline how to mark scrapbook pages that will double as criteria for not only the Silver Star Award, but the Golden Nugget as well. MINING THE NUGGET
I’m looking Forward to sending a Golden Nugget Certificate your way at the end of the year! THE END!