Seeing inside your body. What happens when you use a mobile phone? 0.2  C temperature rise A mobile phone uses microwaves. Can you think of something.


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Presentation transcript:

Seeing inside your body

What happens when you use a mobile phone? 0.2  C temperature rise A mobile phone uses microwaves. Can you think of something else which uses microwaves? A computer can show that your head might warm up by 0.2ºC with a mobile phone What might happen if you use microwaves close to your head? Do you think this is safe?

Do you feel hot today? Which do you think are the warmest parts of your face? This picture shows a child’s face. It shows the warmest parts in red and the colder parts in blue.

X-ray picture This is an x-ray picture of a foot. People have used a computer to show only the bones and the muscles.

What is this an x-ray picture of? It’s the pelvis. It shows the hips, backbone and the top of the legs.

Ultrasound scan 8 weeks 18 weeks 24 weeks

Ultrasound scan of kissing!

This patient is having a PET scan.

The heart shows up clearly and the kidneys can be seen. The brightest area shows that there is cancer in a rib. heart kidney tumour