REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, family and Social Affairs, IMPLEMENTING EU ACQUIS Procedures and chalanges in Slovenia ŠPELA FOTIVEC Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Legal basis 1.Act Regulating the Recognition Procedure for Qualifications of Citizens of EU Member States Relating to Access to Regulated Professions and Professional Activities in the Republic of Slovenia (OJ RS, 21/02); 2.Act Amending the Health Services Act (OJ RS, 2/04); 3.Act Amending the Pharmacies Act (OJ RS, 2/04); 4.Act Amending the Medical Services Act (OJ RS, 2/04); 5.Bylaws that more specifically determine the rules of recognition procedure were published in OJ in April 2004;
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Act Regulating the Recognition Procedure for Qualifications of Citizens of EU Member States Relating to Access to Regulated Professions and Professional Activities in the Republic of Slovenia (Adopted in February 2002) regulates the procedure for the recognition of qualifications for access to regulated professions and regulated professional activities in Slovenia that are the subject of ogeneral and sectoral directives regulating the mutual recognition of formal qualifications odefines the body (MoLFSA) to carry out the procedure.
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, MoLFSA monitors and co-ordinates the implementation of directives and regulations issued for the implementation of the directives, carries out the technical groundwork for the implementation of the Act, draws the attention of the competent ministries to ascertained irregularities that are in contravention of the uniform implementation and application of the directives, accepts applications for the recognition of qualifications, carrys out the procedure and issue decisions, administers the records, informs interested persons regarding conditions for access to regulated professions or regulated professional activities.
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, The Procedure Applicant lodges the request by the MoLFSA. After the receiving the application the MoLFSA shall send the application to the competent ministry. Competent ministry provide MoLFSA with a written opinion regarding the suitability of the applicants qualifications. Decision on the recognition of qualifications
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, The Procedure MoLFSA – Decision on recognition of qualifications also other conditions stipulated by law have to be fulfilled … the doctor has to be registered in the Chamber... RIGHT TO PURSUE REGULATED PROFESSION
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Competent Authorities DIRECTIVE 80/154 (midwife / diplomirana babica(feminine), diplomirani babičar (masculine) AUTHORITYCOMPETENT AUTHORITY IN REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA to receive applicationsMinistrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve (Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs) to issue qualifications - diplomas Univerza (University) Visoka strokovna šola (Higher Professional Institution) to issue certificate of conformity (that the qualifications obtained are in concordance with the minimum training requirements mentioned in the Directive) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) to issue certificate of professional experience (acquired rights and other cases) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health)
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Competent Authorities DIRECTIVE 93/16/EEC (zdravnik/doctors, zdravnik specialist/doctors specialists) AUTHORITYCOMPETENT AUTHORITY IN REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA to receive applicationsMinistrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve (Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs) to issue qualifications - diplomas - certificate of completed specialisation Univerza (University) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije (Medical Chamber of Slovenia) to issue certificate of conformity (that the qualifications obtained are in concordance with the minimum training requirements mentioned in the Directive) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) to issue certificate of professional experience (acquired rights and other cases) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health)
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Competent Authorities DIRECTIVE 77/452/EEC (nurses / diplomirana medicinska sestra (feminine), diplomirani zdravstvenik (masculine)) AUTHORITYCOMPETENT AUTHORITY IN REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA to receive applicationsMinistrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve (Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs) to issue qualifications - diplomas Univerza (University) Visoka strokovna šola (Higher Professional Institution) to issue certificate of conformity (that the qualifications obtained are in concordance with the minimum training requirements mentioned in the Directive) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) to issue certificate of professional experience (acquired rights and other cases) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health)
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Competent Authorities DIRECTIVE 78/687/EEC (dentist/ doktor dentalne medicine) AUTHORITYCOMPETENT AUTHORITY IN REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA to receive applicationsMinistrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve (Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs) to issue qualifications - diplomas - certificate of completed state examination - certificate of completed specialisation Univerza (University) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije (Medical Chamber of Slovenia) to issue certificate of conformity (that the qualifications obtained are in concordance with the minimum training requirements mentioned in the Directive) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health) to issue certificate of professional experience (acquired rights and other cases) Ministrstvo za zdravje (Ministry of Health)
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Competent Authorities DIRECTIVE 85/433 (pharmacist/ magister farmacije) AUTHORITYCOMPETENT AUTHORITY IN REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA to receive applicationsMinistry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs to issue qualifications - diplomas - certificate of completed state examination University Ministry of Health to issue certificate of conformity (that the qualifications obtained are in concordance with the minimum training requirements mentioned in the Directive) Ministry of Health to issue certificate of professional experience (acquired rights and other cases) Ministry of Health
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, National co-ordinator MoLFSA appoints national co-ordinator who: oversees the uniform application of the directives for all the professions the directives refer to, convene and lead an inter-ministerial co-ordinating committee appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia consisting of one representative from each ministry, and represents the Republic of Slovenia in the co-ordinating team at the EU Commission.
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Twinning project Capacity building fot the implementation of the Acquis Related to the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications The aim of the project is to support Slovenia in its process for accession to the EU through the preparation and adoption of all necessary legislation to achieve full alignment with the Community acquis in the field of professional recognition of qualifications. The project is now in final phase and will be finished in September 2004.