Teens & Mobile Phones: Exploring safety issues as mobile phones become the communication hub for American teens Amanda Lenhart/Pew Internet FOSI November 2010 Washington, DC
Sexting “sending or receiving a sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photo or video of yourself/someone you know” Teens % have sent sexts 15% have received sexts Oldest teens most likely, youngest least likely to have sent or received sexts –4% of 12 year olds have sent or received –8% of 17 year olds have sent, 30% have received. No gender diff in sending or receiving among teens. Adults 18+ 6% have sent sexts –13% of have sent –5% of have sent –African Americans more likely to have sent 15% have received –31% of have received –17% of have received sexts 11/15/20159
Sexting Teens % teens who pay for the full cost of their phone send sexts vs. 3% of others. Sending texts, unlimited texting increase likelihood of receipt. Adults 18+ All increase likelihood of receipt of sexts: –Male –Single, separated or divorced –African American or Hispanic – Income LT $30K African Americans more likely to send sexts than whites. 11/15/201510
Teens & Mobile Phones Geo-location? Twitter? 4% of American adults use geo-location or geo-social applications 8% of Americans use geo-apps What about teens? 8% of teens use twitter, but… What might use or increased use mean for cyberbullying, harassment, dating violence? But also parental monitoring? 11/15/201515
11/15/ Amanda Lenhart Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project photo by arcticpenguin