Pronouns Kinds of Pronouns Subject Relative Object Interrogative Possessive Demonstrative Reflexive Intensive A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.
Kinds of Pronouns SubjectObjectPossessive Possessive Adjectives Pronouns I Me My Mine You You Your Yours He Him His His She Her Hers Hers It It It Its We Us Our Ours You You Your Yours They Them Their Theirs
Kinds of Pronouns Reflexive Relative Interrogative Demonstrative Myself That WhoThis Yourself Which WhoseThat Himself Who WhatThese Herself Whom WhomThose Itself Whose Which Ourselves Yourselves Themselves
Kinds of Pronouns Indefinite AllAnother Any Anybody AnyoneAnything Both Each EitherEverybody Everyone Everything FewMany More Most Much Neither Nobody None No oneOne Other Several SomeSomebody Someone Something Such