UPDATE at SBU (Feb 24, 2009) 1 st Water Target SuperP0Dule (DaveF, Kevin, Scott) last week spent setting up hoses, pipes, water tank. Problem with unfiltered SBU was solved with additional filters. water filling started on Friday to ½ full, recommenced Monday, but stopped due to funny crackling sounds. DaveW recommends more bracing before continuing water level sensors will have to be removed before shipping and reinstalled in Japan (may cause some interference with cabling) needs to start cabling as soon as water test finishes 2 nd Water target SuperP0Dule 11 of 13 P0Dules now mounted, should finish by later today or tomorrow labeling can start next water fill test in Mar 9(?), waiting for parts 1 st & 2 nd ecal SuperP0Dules Dima has tested at TFB’s and started some LI tests plan to attach temp monitors (not all parts here? UW to ship this week?) utility rails need to be lowered into final position (need to have temp monitors) ears/bookends need to be attached hoses to be attached and vac. Loop test (few parts to be ordered)
UPDATE at SBU (Feb 24, 2009) continued Shipping date now finalized to April 15 (?) drop dead week, March 30 crating people move SuperP0Dules to basement on April 6 crated superP0Dule fly out of NY week of April 15 Remaining time for SBU assembly and check is **5 weeks** including this week two ECAL SuperP0Dules to be completed temp monitors, move utility rails to final position 1 st water target SuperP0Dule modify braces and finish water filling test (this week) start cabling top and sides, temp monitors TFB testing? 2 nd water target SuperP0Dule finish assembly tomorrow start labeling insert pipes and sensors (Mar 9 by UW people?) start cabling sides and top, temp monitors TFB testing? guessimate of about 4 weeks of solid shift work needed to complete above Assuming no parts delays and no impact of new tasks on shifters Other parts; (Dave&Clark) lifting fixtures, covers, corner brace for shipping, etc.
Scott inserting pipes into Water tank Water level sensors and water pipes to Be inserted into the bags in the SP0Dule Kevin and DaveF attaching hoses to each pipe
Dave Forbush attaching sensor leads Detail of elbow connections in Water bag frames Trung, Chris, & Ian setting up braces before filling bags
Readout, being checkec before filling water bags. Scott, Dima, DaveF Kevin, and Bent. Note P0Dule on right being prepared for mounting on 2 nd water target SuperP0Dule