Waterwatch Victoria QA/QC Week 2006
What is QA/QC Week? Mystery samples (2 ranges) for pH, EC, turbidity and orthophosphates and macroinvertebrates (6 families) are prepared and distributed to each region Monitors can test their techniques and instrument accuracy against these known standards Datasheets must be returned to Sara no later than Friday June 16th to be included in final report (published and distributed early July).
A key opportunity for regional Waterwatch programs to: Test and review monitoring proficiencies of Waterwatchers Promote the monitoring strengths of the program to stakeholders Why have a QA/QC Week? Review training and equipment needs in the region Encourage ‘best practice’ monitoring
Why have a QA/QC Week? A key opportunity for the state Waterwatch program to: Review statewide training needs and educational resources Undertake M&E of the Watewatch program’s monitoring activities Review state performance. Compare results with previous year’s results, noting improvements, problems and/or trends. Promote the program’s monitoring improvements and achievements.
Who should be involved? ALL Waterwatch Coordinators Waterwatch monitors (PARTICULARLY Standard 3/4 monitors) Standard 1/2 monitors IF a similar opportunity isn’t available at a regional level, and they want the challenge/opportunity
What have we learned from past QA/QC weeks? Instrument calibration and maintenance essential The importance of comparing results with equipment of similar range/resolution/accuracy Importance of recording correct ortho-P units (PO4-P, not PO4) and using clean glassware Standard dilution method important (EC, ortho-P) The importance of testing samples MOST REPRESENTATIVE of field conditions
Plan for QA/QC Week Tolerance limits will stay the same as previous years: pH: ± 0.3 pH units (meters) and 0.5 pH units (strips) EC: ± 10% (10 and 100EC resolutions expected for Samples 1 and 2 respectively) Turbidity: ± 20% (tubes – indicating range, or rounding up or down to nearest increment) Ortho-P: ± 20% (rounding up or down to nearest increment; range also expected of colorimeter calibration curves)
Please store samples in a dark, cool location prior to measurement (take home in an esky where possible). Allow samples to warm to room temperature prior to use Ensure samples are well mixed (invert several times). Plan for QA/QC Week
Considerations for 2006 Please return a minimum of one datasheet per set of samples 2005 Phys/chem datasheet return rate - Statewide = 125% but highly variable amongst regions 75% - 180% 2005 Macro datasheet return rate - Statewide = 87.5% but highly variable amongst regions 0% - 220% Mystery samples aren’t cheap - please make the most of this investment
Considerations for 2006 Please record data legibly and in English. Keeping a copy of datasheet results on your end will help if I can’t read a faxed copy clearly. Results will analysed by Standard, and reported against these codes in the final report. All datasheets must have the monitor’s Data Standard (1-4) and a unique QA/QC code noted Colorimeter calibration curves – acid wash glassware, start with smallest conc and test upwards, check all sets of glassware available/used, clean vials thoroughly between uses.
Please record this extra info on 2006 datasheets: Considerations for 2006 Dilution factors (if used) Phys-chemMacroinvertebrates Whether or not instruments are calibrated before use, and what cal std was used (eg 1413µS/cm) How many years experience the IDer has What resources/keys were used Year equipment was purchased Problems with macro specimen (if any)
QA/QC week is only a positive reflection of your program if you haven’t done anything different in the lead up to the mystery sample testing day - calibration, maintenance, training, etc. QA/QC week reflection QA/QC week should be viewed as part of a regional QA program and part of your DC Plan, not the only indicator of quality assurance. Other parameters can be assessed regionally - nitrate, hardness, DO, temp.
Key dates and resources QA/QC Week – June 5 – 11 Datasheets to Sara by - COB June 16 Final report due - July 7 th Regional summaries – fortnight thereafter All supporting information available on the Staff page of the website Science Support -> QA/QC Week Resources