Evolution of Microprocessors
Microprocessor A microprocessor incorporates most of all the functions of a computer’s central processing unit on a single integrated circuit (microchip). The first microprocessors were used for electronic calculators using binary-coded decimal arithmetic on 4-bit words. Other embedded uses of 4-bit and 8-bit microprocessors, such as terminals, printers, various kinds of automation followed rather quickly. Computer processors were for a long period constructed out of small and medium-scale ICs containing the equivalent of a few to a few hundred of transistors. The integration of the whole CPU onto a single chip therefore greatly reduced the cost of processing capacity.
Microprocessor measured in megahertz and gigahertz MHz = megahertz GHz = gigahertz hertz = cycle per second Higher MHz/GHz doesn’t always mean better performance, this is because the speed of the computer influenced with these factors: Efficiency of the processor The bus architecture Amount of memory available Software running on the computer
March 2003 Intel Pentium M Processor hits 900 MHz to 2.26 GHz The Pentium M brand refers to a family of mobile single- core x86 microprocessors (with the modified Intel P6 microarchitecture) introduced in March 2003 (during the heyday of the Pentium 4 desktop CPUs), and forming a part of the Intel Carmel notebook platform under the then new Centrino brand. The Pentium Miprocessors had a maximum thermal design power (TDP) of 5–27 W depending on the model, and were intended for use in laptops (thus the "M" suffix standing for mobile).x86microprocessorsP6 microarchitecturePentium 4CarmelCentrinothermal design power
February 2004: Intel Pentium 4 Processor hits 3.4 GHz mark. One of the key features of Intel’s Pentium 4 processor was Hyper-Pipelined Technology - 20-stage pipeline, that was two times longer than in previous generation of Pentium processors. While longer pipelines are less efficient than shorter ones, they allow the CPU to reach higher frequencies, and thus increase CPU performance. One of the key features of Intel’s Pentium 4 processor was Hyper-Pipelined Technology - 20-stage pipeline, that was two times longer than in previous generation of Pentium processors. While longer pipelines are less efficient than shorter ones, they allow the CPU to reach higher frequencies, and thus increase CPU performance. Unlike the Pentium III, the architecture of the Pentium 4 is the product of a serious redesign. Whereas the move from Pentium II to Pentium III added two million transistors, the Pentium 4 sports a whopping 55 million - 27 million more than the currently available Pentium III Coppermine processors. Unlike the Pentium III, the architecture of the Pentium 4 is the product of a serious redesign. Whereas the move from Pentium II to Pentium III added two million transistors, the Pentium 4 sports a whopping 55 million - 27 million more than the currently available Pentium III Coppermine processors.
April 2005: Intel's first dual-core processor-based platform Pentium Extreme Edition CPU family is a family of dual-core microprocessors offering top performance for computer enthusiasts. Pentium Extreme Edition CPU family is a family of dual-core microprocessors offering top performance for computer enthusiasts. Dual- and multicore processors are designed by including two or more full execution cores within a single processor enabling simultaneous management of activities. Dual- and multicore processors are designed by including two or more full execution cores within a single processor enabling simultaneous management of activities. The Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition 840 can process four software threads simultaneously by more efficiently using resources that otherwise may sit idle. The Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition 840 can process four software threads simultaneously by more efficiently using resources that otherwise may sit idle.
May 2005: Intel Pentium D processor Unlike Pentium Extreme Edition, Pentium D does not include Hyper-Threading. Its two execution cores provide two completely parallel processing streams. Unlike Pentium Extreme Edition, Pentium D does not include Hyper-Threading. Its two execution cores provide two completely parallel processing streams. Intel Pentium D processor has two processing cores – or “brains” with support for such consumer electronics-like features as surround-sound audio, high-definition video and enhanced graphics capabilities. Intel Pentium D processor has two processing cores – or “brains” with support for such consumer electronics-like features as surround-sound audio, high-definition video and enhanced graphics capabilities. The Pentium D CPUs have higher power consumptions than Pentium 4 processors, but not significantly higher. The Pentium D CPUs have higher power consumptions than Pentium 4 processors, but not significantly higher.
Intel Core i7 is an Intel brand name for several families of desktop and laptop 64-bit x86-64 processors using the Nehalem, Westmere, Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge microarchitectures. The Core i7 brand is targeted at the business and high-end consumer markets for both desktop and laptop computers, and is distinguished from the Core i3 (entry- level consumer), Core i5 (mainstream consumer), and Xeon(server and workstation) brands.Intel64-bitx86-64NehalemWestmereSandy BridgeIvy BridgemicroarchitecturesCore i3Core i5Xeon
The first Core i5 using the Nehalem microarchitect ure was introduced on September 8, 2009, as a mainstream variant of the earlier Core i7Nehalem
The Core i3 was intended to be the new low end of the performance processor line from Intel, following the retirement of the Core 2 brand.IntelCore 2 The first Core i3 processors were launched on January 7, 2010.