The Church in the Later First Century
AD 63 Paul martyred under Nero (?) Nero
AD Jewish revolt against Rome
AD 70 Titus destroys Jerusalem temple Arch of Titus—Soldiers with booty from Jerusalem temple
Hebrews In the orbit of the Pauline churches Heb 13:23-24 Early manuscript of Hebrews 1
Setting of Hebrews Phase 1: Proclamation & Conversion (2:3-4)
Setting of Hebrews Phase 1: Proclamation & Conversion (2:3-4) Phase 2: Persecution & Solidarity (10:32-34)
Setting of Hebrews Phase 1: Proclamation & Conversion (2:3-4) Phase 2: Persecution & Solidarity (10:32-34) Phase 3: Friction & Malaise (10:25; 5:11; 6:12)
1.Journey into God’s Sabbath Rest Hebrews 2-4
2. Journey into the Sanctuary Hebrews 7-10
3. Journey to Zion Hebrews 11-12
1 Peter: Exiles, Chosen, & Holy
1 PETER 1:1 THE EXILES Conversation: Have you voluntarily traveled to a cultural context that was very different from your own? What was that experience like? How would it be different to be forced to go into a different culture? Giving Background Information: Exile was a central experience in Israel’s history (Leader describes a bit about the Babylonian exile) The readers of 1 Peter were exiles in a different region (Leader shows location on a map)
1 PETER 1:1 THE EXILES Exploring 1 Peter: They were “exiles” even if they never left home. Why? Faith can “dislocate” people socially (Read 1:3-6; 2:12; 3:16; 4:3-4) Conversation: Can Christian faith make people feel out of place socially now? Where might this occur (school, work, extended family)? Why might this occur? How does this feeling of being “out of place” affect people?
1 PETER 1:1 THE CHOSEN Conversation: 1 Peter 1:1 also says that readers are “chosen.” When kids are playing a game, they sometimes choose teams. How does it feel not to be chosen (until you are the only one left). What would it mean for someone to say “I choose you”? Exploring 1 Peter Read 1 Peter 2:4-10. How many times is “chosen” used? What does it mean to be “chosen” in this context?
1 PETER 1:1 THE HOLY Conversation: These same passages also talk about being “sanctified” or “holy.” Most people would like to be called “successful” or “skilled” or (what would some other words be?) Would most people like to be called “holy”? Why or why not? Giving Background Information To be “holy” or “sanctified” in the biblical sense is to be “set apart,” to be “extraordinary.” Exploring 1 Peter (Now ask what 1 Peter says makes people truly “extraordinary.” A leader would identify key passages to get at this.)