Heading 1 The London View Ian Wainwright, Head of Freight and Fleet Programmes, Transport for London
Heading 2 Global urbanisation Increasing population Increasingly urban Increasingly 24/7 Outcomes Congested roads Pollution Nox, PMs Safety Economy
Heading 3 And freight is changing too Rising demand: population and quality of life Changing customer demand Changing technology: fuel, telematics, use of real-time data Industry changes: internet ordering, omni-channel, near-sourcing, port- centric logistics Fragmentation of supply chains: growth of vans A higher political profile for freight: safety
Heading 4 Population: increase by 1.7 million Employment: increase in by 0.8 million Supporting London's competitiveness 35 highway authorities: TfL, London Boroughs Existing regulations: relevant? conflicting? Safety: 50% cycling KSIs Environment: air quality, emissions and ‘place’ Changing road-space allocation Congestion could increase by: o 60% in central London o 25% in inner London o 5% in outer London London’s Challenges Doing nothing is not an option
Heading 5 Central London – what we know All London - Vehicle kms London wide Inner London Central London Central London - AM peak Vehicles/ hour% of traffic km PCUs (based on kms) HGV5%4%3%HGVs1,8007%11.4% Vans12%13% Vans7, %20.5% DfT average annual daily flow HGV/LGV weekday movements in central London, by hour
Heading 6 Understanding freight sectors HGVs : CCZ - peak hour General / Unbranded LGVs : CCZ - peak hour
Heading 7 Stratford High StreetPerceptionActual 07:00 – 19:0032%70% 19:00 – 07:007%30% Ad hoc61% Acton High Street 07:00 – 19:0062%67% 07:00 – 19:0016%33% Ad hoc22% High Street surveys Stratford High StreetPerception 07:00 – 19:0032% 19:00 – 07:007% Ad hoc61% Acton High Street 07:00 – 19:0062% 07:00 – 19:0016% Ad hoc22%
Heading 8 Achieving change Construction Current level of freight activity: 100% Target voluntaryincentives regulation Essential activity
Heading 9 Building on what works Working with the industry to: –Raise safety standards –Improve route planning –Enable collaboration between businesses –Encourage consolidation –Gather the evidence –Retime deliveries With the Freight Forum
Heading 10 Retiming deliveries Re-timing Deliveries Consortium Three boroughs, two supermarkets, two trade associations, London Councils Detail, frustration and collaboration Best practice guidance on core principles of successfully retiming deliveries Technical trials TfL premises Matchmaking service
Heading 11 Conclusion Cities are changing and so are customer demands Collaboration is key to better long-term results Retiming is possible - and can lead to less congestion, fewer emissions, safer roads and reduce business costs Consider the local community London is not unique - we can all learn from others across the world Let’s keep talking and sharing
Heading 12