24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 1 ILC: Future after 2012 preserving GDE assets post-TDR pre-construction program
24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 2 Post-2012 ILC Interim Goals & Organization GDE will have successfully completed its mandate after TDR & PIP delivered + reviewed (mid-2013 at latest) What should follow GDE (mandate and organization) for an interim 3-5 year period? See GDE position paper submitted to ILCSC Aug The paper addresses: –Technical Goals proposed for program? Continued system demonstrations; Increasing energy reach – Organizational Issues for post GDE? What are primary GDE assets that should be preserved? What are the primary GDE weaknesses that should be improved?
Post-2012 ILC Next big milestone following TDR will be for global particle physics community to propose an ILC construction project, informed by LHC results. –Likely 3-5 year interim period The global ILC GDE core accelerator and technology team needs to remain intact and continue development of the project in collaboration with the physics community which will propose the linear collider. We propose this interim period be for a nominal three years, by which time much should be clarified regarding whether and in what form the ILC should go forward. 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 3
24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 4 CY Technical Design Report complete Baseline established ILC 2015 Technical design & R&D program ILC possible timeline SRF system tests TDR reviews Site EOI’s Cost Estimating Decision to proceed Site/host established Project Implementation Plan completeXFEL operation LHC Physics Run 1Physics Run 2Interconnect repair Existence of low- lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap
24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 5 CY Technical Design Report complete Baseline established ILC 2015 Technical design & R&D program ILC possible timeline SRF system tests TDR reviews Site EOI’s Cost Estimating Decision to proceed Site/host established Project Implementation Plan completeXFEL operation LHC Physics Run 1Physics Run 2Interconnect repair Existence of low- lying SUSY known Higgs energy scale known timegap
Interim Period (3-5 yrs) Project oriented accelerator and technology R&D –Strengthen and further integrate joint work with CLIC –Pursue technical and design overlaps w/ XFEL, Super-B, Project X, JLab & SNS upgrades, etc. Two primary missions? –Accelerator Design and Integration (with physics and detector groups) Incorporate new R & D results; develop options for running at other energies; analyze site specific designs –Coordination of R&D on improving the performance and reducing the cost of the SCRF systems. Deploy SRF linac test facilities for value engineering aimed at reducing the remaining cost risk and pursuing higher gradient for ~1 TeV extension of ILC. 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 6
Features of post-2012 organization Features of GDE global organization to preserve –Maintaining ‘core competencies’ –ILC director to provide overall intellectual and project leadership, and to represent the global interests of the ILC –The equivalent of the GDE Regional Directors role to reconcile resources, differently in each region –The equivalent of the Project Managers function to coordinate technical program, following global priorities and maintaining coherence in the distributed efforts –Make technical decisions and set priorities accepted worldwide and to lead the unified global effort and design. –Organize the ILC efforts with sufficient autonomy from the laboratory and agency programs and priorities –The small GDE common fund enables flexibility to support some global efforts like costing, electronic data bases, publications, outreach, etc. 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 7
Features of post-2012 organization (2) Features of GDE global organization to improve –The “virtual” nature of the GDE, while essential to be able to make use of the expertise distributed around the world, results in inefficiencies. How to improve? –The independent experimental and accelerator organizations for ILC design and R&D should be better integrated. –The independence of ILC and CLIC programs (although improving) has causes problems and duplication of effort. –The lack of access to CERN resources for the global ILC/GDE efforts has been a difficulty, especially where specialized expertise and experience are needed. This has hampered the European contributions toward the ILC. –The GDE has relied on informal agreements with HEP Laboratories, even on major R&D programs, rather than a more formal work package system, making it difficult to maintain priorities and meeting critical schedules 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 8
Final Remarks Timing issues for new post-2012 ‘GDE’ replacement –The GDE remain in place into 2013 for two main reasons: To represent the TDR design for independent (and possibly agency) reviews of the technical design, as well as for cost reviews and to facilitate translations to local costing systems. Following these reviews, the GDE will need to finalize the TDR An overlap period with the new interim ILC organization will be required, while the new organization becomes established and can assume control of the program. We believe a period of months following TDR submission will be required before the transition is completed. –The GDE replacement needs to be in place by beginning of 2013 and fully operational in 6-12 months 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 9
Final Remarks Resource issues for new post-2012 ‘GDE’ replacement –The planned resources are less than GDE program resources: A viable follow-on ILC program can be achieved with reduced resources and a new organization having the above functionality; however it will continue to be very difficult to substantially update and improve the design without increasing the resources, especially engineering resources. In other words, it will require more, not less, resources to move the project closer to being construction ready. –The mandate for the GDE replacement must realistically consider the likely available resources during the immediate period following completion of the TDR. 24-Aug-11 ILCSC -Mumbai Global Design Effort 10