NSIDC User Statistics Report to the Polar DAAC Advisory Group PoDAG XXII, June 2-4, 2004 Boulder, CO
Overview Report includes NSIDC-wide statistics and DAAC- specific information Will present information on: o Number of requests received o Number of users o Media distributed o Subscriptions and distribution o FTP distribution o High level ECS requests and users. Details to be provided in presentations at the meeting
NSIDC New Requests Received The following chart illustrates new requests received through Information Services for NSIDC (entire center) from FY 1978 through first half of FY Demonstrates steady growth largely attributed to the release of new products. The products shown are all DAAC, did not include major releases from other programs or projects that occurred during the same time frame. 7th straight year of positive growth in request activity. Total number of requests up 23% from previous year, largely attributed to MODIS.
NSIDC Users The following chart illustrates the categories of users who made requests through Information Services based on 6 fiscal years of data. There is variation from year to year between the categories, which is attributed to the types of products that were released and available at that time. (Example: renewing F13 Brightness Temperature subscriptions resulted in a slightly higher percentage of Research/Higher Ed requests in FY 1998 than normal)
NSIDC Media Distribution New Requests The following charts illustrate media distribution for Fiscal Year 1997 through the first half of FY 2004 not including subscriptions. Primary media distribution is still CD-ROM but possibly migrating to DVD. For most of our non-ECS data sets the media is pre- determined and the user doesn't have a choice unless we receive a special request. Variation from year to year attributed to new product releases. Fulfilled a recent ECS request that resulted in 179 DVDs to a single user, 51 additional DVDs to fulfill other user orders.
NSIDC Non-ECS Subscription Requests The following chart illustrates the number of CD-ROMs distributed from FY 1997 through the first half of FY 2004 in support of non-ECS subscriptions. There are currently 431 subscription requests for SSM/I Polar Stereographic and EASE-Grid Brightness Temperatures. o Polar Stereographic subscribers receive 4 CD-ROM updates per year. o EASE-Grid Subscribers have been receiving varying quantities for the last several years due to the need to catch up on processing. The Northern Hemisphere and Global products are current, Southern Hemisphere is expected to be in the next several months. These subscribers will receive between 6 and 12 CD-ROM updates per year depending on the product.
NSIDC ECS Data The following slide illustrates the number of ECS data requests for AMSR, GLAS and MODIS for the period FY 2000 through the first half of FY The general trend is an increase in requests for products from all instrument classes. Attributed to release of new products and increasing awareness of the data by the user community. There were 641 individual users that made ECS related requests during this time period »AMSR individual users »GLAS - 83 individual users »MODIS individual users Half way through the current FY, MODIS requests are 80% of what was received the entire last year. ECS requests represented almost 29% of all NSIDC requests in FY 2003.
Summary Trend for data center as a whole is to see a steady increase in requests. This is attributed to new product releases and continued interest in existing products. DAAC requests contribute significantly to the number of requests received by the center as a whole, and represent the majority of data distributed by volume and media. Continued healthy interest in non-ECS DAAC data.