How to play: You are divided into groups or teams. The person that will select the first value and category will be chosen at random. The first group to raise their hand or beep in will have a short time to give the answer in question form. If they can not answer in the allotted time the other groups will have a chance to answer by raising their hand or beeping in. There is a daily double and the team will be able to wager money on that question. There is also final Jeopardy where all the teams will have to write down the correct answer to the question with their wager. At the end of the game, the team with the most money wins. Good Luck!
Chapter 1 Our Topics today are…
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Mixed Category Mixed Category
What else do I need to know? AKA Mixed Category 2 AKA Mixed Category 2
I am the founder of the school of behaviorism B. F. Skinner
This is a contemporary psychological approach that emphasizes study of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status Sociocultural perspective
Along with history, anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology, psychology is one of the ____________________. Social Sciences
The standard of ____________________ established by the American Psychological Association limits the type of research that psychologists may conduct. Ethics
Clinical psychologists (can or cannot) prescribe medication to a client, but psychiatrists (can or cannot). Cannot, can
Control group Group in an experiment that does not receive treatment
In-depth investigation of an individual or small group Case study
Substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person's belief in it Placebo
Members of the ___________ group in an experiment are the ones who receive the treatment. Experimental
_________________ and ___________psychologists offer suggestions on how to improve working conditions. Industrial and Organizational (IO)
Sleep problem in which people suddenly fall asleep no matter what time it is Narcolepsy
False idea that seems real Delusion
Your ______________ are your biological clock Circadian rhythms
During a typical eight hours of sleep, most people go through ____________________ sleep cycles. 5
beta, alpha, theta, delta There are four different kinds of brain-wave patterns, what are they? How Much would you Like to Wager?
Form of classical conditioning in which a food comes to be avoided Taste aversion
Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar Discrimination
Stimulus that encourages a behavior by meeting an organism's basic biological needs Primary reinforcer Primary reinforcer
A(n) ____________________ reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is removed. Negative
Something that produces a response is called a __________________. Stimulus
Social psychologists are interested in (internal or external) influences External
A placebo is often as effective as taking a medication because… a person's expectations affect the results of a treatment.
Why do we use double-blind studies? Because researchers may have expectations that affect their observations
Many of our basic biological functions, such as breathing, exist at the __________ level. Nonconscious
Sleep and meditation are examples of Altered states of consciousness
Why is sleep necessary? It helps people recover from stress, builds up a person's resistance to infection (restores their immune system) and because it maintains the brain's proper functioning.
Sleep researchers define our sleep stages in terms of Brain wave patterns
Marijuana is an example of a Hallucinogen
What does DSM stand for? Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
People who watch a lot of violence on television are more likely to be violent in part because of Observational learning
A slot machine provides reinforcement to players based on what type of schedule? Please write down your wager Now Please write down your Answer Now
variable-ratio schedule