The United School Employees of Pasco Benefits of Belonging
Represents over 4,300 Teachers and School Related Personnel — school secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, instructional assistants, food & nutrition service workers, etc.
Building Representatives Elected by the members at their worksite. Members’ main contact with the union.
What does USEP do? Contract Negotiations and a whole lot more!!!
Negotiations is just a small part Traditional Functions: Member representation, million dollar liability insurance, legal protection, etc. Professional Growth & Development: At the local, state and national levels, conferences, workshops, trainings
Benefits Representation Legal Protection Committees Professional Growth & Development
The Key to Saving Money Would you like to earn your dues money back? Would you like to have fun while doing this?
Member Benefits The 13 th Doughnut Economic benefits you have earned just by being a member United School Employees of Pasco, Florida Education Association, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, & the AFL-CIO
United School Employees of Pasco
Florida Education Association Access Card – Coupons accessed through your computer
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) & National Education Association (NEA)
AFL-CIO Union Plus (part of AFT 3600)
Member Benefits USEP understands, “Times are Hard” Union benefits will “Make life Easier”
“When Times are Rough the Tough get Going!” Proud Past Promising Future!