J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 RF Structures J. Alessi Some general thoughts on what our approach will be.


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Presentation transcript:

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 RF Structures J. Alessi Some general thoughts on what our approach will be.

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 4 m 4.3 m RFQ: keV/u; 100 MHz IH Linac: MeV/u; 100 MHz Proposed Linac –Based RHIC Preinjector LEBT MEBT HEBT Ion U – D q/m Current1.5 emA (for 1 turn inj) Pulse Length Rep. Rate Duty Factor 10  s 5 Hz % Emittance 0.7  mm rad (nor, 90%) Energy Spread 1.8 keV/amu

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 RFQ: 100 MHz, 4 rod design is conventional. Very similar to GSI, CERN, etc. Deepak’s talk – injection energy chosen to reduce space charge problems in LEBT. Will probably buy RFQ from Frankfurt. LINAC: IH structure chosen, very similar to CERN Pb linac. (conventional baseline design). Will probably get IH from GSI / Frankfurt. SCL was considered, but abandoned for since it is not required to meet design requirements, it has higher cost, and the technology is less familiar in Collider- Accelerator, so would increase operational burden. We have left space after the linac for the possibility of future superconducting post-accelerator. Bunchers – MEBT, 2 in HEBT (Frankfurt?)

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 ParametersBNLCERNUnits Type4-rod Q/m Input Energy keV/amu Output Energy keV/amu Frequency MHz Max rep rate10 Hz Length meters Number of cells277 Aperture Radius meters Voltage6970kV E(surface)20.8  23 MV/m RF Power< 350 kW Acceptance1.7> 0.8  mm mrad (nor) Input Emittance0.35  mm mrad, nor, 90% Output Emittance (trans)  mm mrad, nor, 90% Output Emittance (longit) 33.6  MeV deg, 90% Transmission9193% Bravery factor1.8  2 Kilpatrick RFQ

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 ParametersBNLCERN Tank 1 Units Q/m Input energy MeV/amu Output Energy MeV/amu Frequency MHz Max rep rate510Hz Length Meters Input emittance0.55  mm mrad, norm, 90% Output emittance0.61  mm mrad, norm, 90% Output energy spread20.0keV/amu Transmission100% Two quadrupole triplets inside for focusing. The maximum field on the axis will be 13.5 MV/m. Fixed output velocity, independent of the q/m of the desired beam (cavity gradient is adjusted for different q/m's, to maintain a fixed velocity profile). IH Linac

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 Munich Similar Linacs:

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 REX-Isolde

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/ Beam Velocity ( β % ) MHz Wideroe RFQ 54MHz Alvalez 108MHz Alvalez Shunt Impedance MΩ/m 48MHz TITech-IH 100MHz TITech-IHQ 96MHz TITech-IH 103 MHz TITech &TUM-IH IH structure ・ RF type LINAC ・ TE mode ・ High Shunt-Impedance cavity drift-tubes ridge RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 A simple study for AGS 1. Initial condition Energy_input:300keV/u Energy_output:2MeV/u Frequency:101.28MHz Particles:Au30+ ΔEnergy_output:1% Accelerate ratio:5MeV/m Phase pattern:-30,-30, ・・・ (.not. APF) RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 A simple study for AGS 2.Number of cell In ⇒ (Avg.) OUT Energy300keV/u 1150keV/ u2MeV/u β Βλ/ Accelerate ratio : 5MeV/m Total length : ≒ 3m 3000 / ≒ 41 cell RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 A simple study for AGS Summary Eff. Shunt impedance:110MΩ/m RF power :375kW Total length:3 m Focusing :APF, PM or EM Field simulation is very important. Cost:$300k ? RIKEN - Okamura

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 While the combination of EBIS, RFQ, and room temperature IH linac will meet both RHIC and NSRL requirements, there would be some advantage for lower mass beams if a superconducting linac were built rather than the IH linac. A SC linac, with independently phased accelerating cavities, would allow one to inject these lower mass beams into the Booster at higher energies, avoiding the need for bunch merging in the Booster. The SC option was left out of the baseline design, since it is somewhat more costly (preliminary estimate is an increase of several M$ in the cost). In addition, the technology is less familiar in Collider-Accelerator, so would increase operational burden. We have left room for a superconducting post-accelerator (future upgrade).

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 SCL Option ParameterValuesUnits Q/m Input energy0.300MeV/amu Output Energy2-7.5MeV/amu Frequency101.28MHz Max rep rate5Hz Input emittance0.55  mm mrad, norm,90% Output emittance~ 0.6  mm mrad, norm,90% Transmission100% -Accelerating Gradient 7MV/m -Energy gain 5MeV/charge/cryostat -Three cryostats to produce 15 MeV for the SCL -Allows acceleration to higher energies for higher q/m ions (> 6MeV/u for q/m=0.5) -Based on ATLAS, ALPI, ISAC-II and RIA technology -Two type of cavity  ~0.04(14) and 0.08 (10) The ALPI resonator

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 SCL Parameters ParameterValuesUnits Q/m Input energy0.300 MeV/amu Output Energy2-7.5MeV/amu Frequency101.28MHz Max rep rate10Hz Input emittance0.55  mm mrad, norm,90% Output emittance ~ 0.6  mm mrad, norm,90% Transmission 100 % -Accelerating Gradient 7MV/m -Helium Consumption >7 Watt at 4.2K / resonator -Energy gain 5MeV/charge/cryostat -Three cryostats to produce 15 MeV for the SCL

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 TRACE Simulation for SCL (Au)

J. Alessi RF Structures EBIS Project Technical Review 1/27/05 CONCLUSIONS We have “first pass” beam dynamics calculations for the RFQ and IH structures, which verify that both will meet our requirements. Both are conventional structures, so although we don’t have the detailed design of the structures, they should be straightforward and very similar to devices already in operation in other facilities. We will begin to work out the details of collaborations for the design and fabrication of these structures, visits to labs, etc.