The Mathematical Modeling of New Operation Modes of Multi–purpose Isochronous Cyclotrons Authors: I.V.Amirhanov, G.A.Karamysheva, I.N. Kiyan Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna Authors: J.Sulikowski, Employees of DC INP PAS The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow
AIC-144 PARAMETERVALUE Magnet Leg Diameter144cm Magnetic Structure4 spiral sectors with angel from 45º to 54º Magnetic Field8,5 ÷ 18 kGs Main Coil Current0 ÷ 650 A Number of Trim Coils20 Number of Harmonic Coils4 Trim Coil Current± 400 A Number of Dees 1 (α = 180°) R.F. Generator Frequency 10 ÷ 27 MHz R.F. Generator Power 120 kW Dee voltage 65 kV Ion beam extraction system - method of the precession of orbits 4 harmonic coils, 3 electrostatic deflectors, 2 passive and 1 active magnetic channels Effective Extraction Factorto 70%. Ion SourceInternal, PIG type
Magnetic structure
Trim and harmonic coils
The Mathematical Modeling of the AIC-144 Main Operation Mode
Mode Calculation
The Numerical and Physical Experiments
Conclusion On the basis of the results of computer modeling executed by means of Cyclotron Operator Help Program Complex for the AIC-144 main operation mode, in June, 2009 the beam of protons with kinetic energy of extraction Ek ~ 60 МэВ has been successfully accelerated and extracted. The extracted beam of the accelerated ions has been used for the successful proton therapy of melanoma of eye at first nine patients which has been executed in the INP of PAS, in February-April, The researches of beam dynamics of accelerated ions will be continued on the basis of use of the measured maps of magnetic fields with the account of high-frequency electric field.
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