High-level Objectives To make an impact on the transformation of the South African economic landscape by contributing towards the DTI strategic objectives Facilitate mobilization and directing of resources (public & private sector funding) towards SME development.
Core Strategic Objectives To achieve a return on investment that ensures retention of the capital base. (Finance) To offer sustainable credit and capital through a network of efficient distribution intermediaries. (Customers)
Core Strategic Objectives Scaling and growing the operations, through managed risk, to achieve impact and outreach. (Finance) To acquire, develop and retain the human talent to meet the short, medium and long-term needs of Khula. (People) To develop and implement an integrated business marketing strategy. (Process)
Growth Strategies Mobilise banks for mass or scale delivery. –Training workshops with bankers and marketing –Mainstream and roll-out a credible mentorship To stimulate the provision of venture [start-up] and small scale equity finance. To research and package innovative products that can mobilise and attract the financial industry participation in Khula mandate. Build on nation wide communication campaign
Growth Strategies Segment the market and design a suitable product mix and structure accordingly. –Emerging and matured markets To support the distribution network in line with market needs. –capacitate and develop to serve the all market segments [from under-banked to bankable enterprises] –To improve outreach and efficiency of emerging market network Improve market access through business linkage initiatives
Where are we ? 1996 – 2003 & year ending 2003 [28/02] Corporate Objectives Cumulative Target 2003 Actual 2003 Rating 2003 Approved Business Loans R363,6mR70,0mR77,8m Committed Guarantees R348,2mR258,0mR145,0m Approved LRCF Loans R56,9mR20,0mR20,8m Approved Equity deals R12,9mR14,0mR9,6m
Where are we ? 1996 – 2003 & year ending 2003 [28/02] Corporate Objectives Cumulative Target 2003 Actual 2003 Rating 2003 Approved -RFI Cap, Seed loans; Capacity Build R173,7mR22,9mR27,7m Approved -MCO Seed loans on-lend & ops; Capacity Build R28,3mR16,1mR10,1m Thuso Mentorship: Business Plans After-care visits R67,9m 994 R24,0m 210 R23,0 m 341
Where are we ? 1996 – 2003 & year ending 2003 [28/02 ] Impact Stats & Property Income Cumulative Targets 2003 Actual 2003 Rating 2003 Total Gross Jobs Created: All Programmes No of Guarantees Committed Thuso B Plans Property Income R8,3mR7,6mR8,3m
Credit Guarantees “Numbers”
Credit Guarantees “Rands”
Khula Equity Funds Rand value of deal approved = R 18m Number of deal approved = 11 Jobs created = 492 Investee Companies: 83% Male17% Female 17% Rural83% Urban 100% PDI
Land Reform Empowerment Facility Funds loaned out to Date = R57 m Number of projects = 16 Number of PDI (Shareholders) = 794 –Male 360Female 434 Job created =1,261 –Males 592Females 669
Retail Financial Intermediaries Funds loaned out to Date = R338 m Number of RFI’s = 16 Number of RFI Clients = –Male 30%Female 70% –Black 96%White 4% –Urban 70%Rural 30% Job creation estimate =
Khula-starts Funds loaned out to Dec 2002 = R17 m Number of Khula-starts =17 Number of Khula-starts Clients = –Males 13%Females 87% –Black 100%White 0% –Rural 95%Peri-Urban 5% –6 Provinces (Excl WC,NC,FS) Jobs created = (Approx)
Loans Representation in S.A. Limpopo 2 RFI’s; 2MCO’s North West 1 RFI; 1 MCO Gauteng 7 RFI’s; 1 MCO Mpumalanga 3 RFI’s; 5 MCO’s Freestate 1 RFI; 0 MCO’s KwaZulu Natal 3 RFI’s; 5 MCO’s Northern Cape 1 RFI; 0 MCO’s Eastern Cape 2 RFI’s; 4 MCO’s Western Cape 2 RFI’s; 0 MCO’s
Required capital is obtained Seed activities are inherent risk mitigation mechanisms of Khula balance sheet. [network and capacity support of RFI’s and quality mentoring] Investment levels are necessary to off-set the price shortfall results. A stable and committed human resource especially at senior level is achieved. Summary of Assumptions
Political support is unwavering [all government levels] and based on sound corporate administration. Access to markets becomes sensitive to SMME needs. [Government and state enterprise procurement systems adapt] Financial institutions [including insurance houses] do come to the party
Sizwe Tati Managing Director Khula Enterprise Finance (Pty) Ltd 25/03/03 Thank you for your Support