When in doubt…..always check the MLA Handbook.
You will typically use these types of sources: A book with one author An article within a book. These books usually have an editor. Each article typically has an author. An article within a multivolume work. These books usually have an editor. Each article may not have an author. A forward, introduction, afterward, or preface in a book An article, from a book found on Alabama Virtual Library or Bloom’s Literary Reference Online A magazine or newspaper article from AVL Remember that your teacher may wish for you to cite some sources differently. Always check with him or her to make sure. AVL also lists a slightly different way to cite some sources. Again, ask your teacher. The following slides will teach you how to create bibliography/source cards from each of these sources. Later in your research paper process, you will create your Works Cited page using your bibliography cards.
A book with one author Author’s name - Last name, (comma) First name - followed by a period Title of book – underlined-followed by a period Place of publication - followed by a colon Publisher – followed by a comma Date of publication – followed by a period NOTE: If your book has 2 authors, list the 1 st author – last name, first name and the second author first name last name. For example: Jones, Brian and Mark Brown. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
Author Title Place of publication Publisher Copyright date A book with one author Wilson, Frank. Drugs and Sports In the United States. New York: Doubleday, A period must be the last thing on every card.
An article or essay within a larger work (Readings On, Critical Essays, etc) Author of article – Last name, First name – followed by a period. Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation. Title of the book – Underlined – followed by a period. The editor – Use the word Ed. – First Name and Last Name – followed by a period Place of publication – followed by a colon Publisher – followed by a comma Date of publication – followed by a period. Page numbers with a dash between – followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
An Article Within A Book These books usually have an editor. Each article is an independent source. Horrigan, John. “The Internet Fosters Online Communities.” Current Controversies: The Information Age. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Author of article Title of article In quotation marks Title of Book Underlined The abbreviation Ed. Followed by the Editor of the book Place of publicationPublisher Copyright date Page #s of article A period must be the last thing on every card.
An article in a multi-volume work (Encyclopedia of World Biography, Career Discovery Encyclopedia) Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation. Title of the book – Underlined – followed by a period. The editor – Use the word Ed. – First Name and Last Name – followed by a period Volume Number of the book – The word Vol. and the number Place of publication – followed by a colon Publisher – followed by a comma Date of publication – followed by a period. Page numbers with a dash between – followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
An Article Within A Multi-Volume Book These books usually have an editor. Encyclopedia of World Biography and Career Discovery Encyclopedia are examples of these. “Arthur Miller.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Paula K. Byers. Vol. 11.Detroit, MI: Gale Research, Title of article In quotation marks Title of Book. Underlined & followed by a period The abbreviation Ed. Followed by the Editor of the book Place of publication. Followed by a colon Publisher. Followed by a comma Copyright date. Followed by a period Page #s of article. Followed by a period A period must be the last thing on every card. Volume #. Followed by a period
Forward, Introduction, Afterward, or Preface in a book Author of the introduction – Last name, First name – followed by a period. The word Introduction (or Forward, Afterward, Preface) – followed by a period. Title of the book – Underlined – followed by a period. The word By followed by the author’s first and last name – followed by a period. Place of publication – followed by a colon Publisher – followed by a comma Publication date - followed by a period Page numbers – usually lower case Roman numerals – followed by a period Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
Forward, Introduction, Afterward, or Preface in a book Author of the introduction-Last name first followed by a period The word Introduction (or Forward, or Preface) Followed by a period. The word By - followed by the author’s name- Followed by a period Lowell, Robert. Introduction. The Scarlet Letter. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Baltimore: Doubleday, xii-xiv. Title of the book Underlined. Followed by a period Place of publication Followed by a colon Publisher Followed by a comma Copyright date Followed by a period Page numbers-Usually lower case Roman numerals. Followed by a period. A period must be the last thing on every card.
Bloom’s Literary Reference Online Author of the article – Last name, First name – followed by a period Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation mark Title of the printed source – Underlined – followed by a period Copyright date of the printed source – followed by a period Title of the database – Underlined – followed by a period The words Alabama Virtual Library, or AVL if your teacher permits – followed by a period Name of the library where you accessed the information – followed by a comma City, State where library is located – followed by a period Day month year the article was accessed – no punctuation Complete web address – inside - followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
Bloom’s Literary Reference Online Pataki, George. “Bloom on Mark Twain.” Short Story Writers & Short Stories Bloom’s Literary Reference Online. AVL. GSHS Library. Gulf Shores, AL. 13 October Author of article if available Followed by a period Title of article In quotation marks Title of printed source - Underlined Title of database underlined AVL. Name of library, location of library. Followed by a period. Date internet was accessed Web address A period must be the last thing on every card. Copyright date of written source
Article from Opposing Viewpoints on AVL Author of the article – Last name, First name – followed by a period Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation mark Title of the printed source – Underlined – followed by a period Copyright date of the printed source – followed by a period Title of the database – Underlined – followed by a period The words Alabama Virtual Library, or AVL if your teacher permits – followed by a period Name of the library where you accessed the information – followed by a comma City, State where library is located – followed by a period Day month year the article was accessed – no punctuation Complete web address – inside - followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
Opposing Viewpoints article on AVL Author of article Title of article-In quotation marks Title of printed source-Underlined Title of database- underlined AVL. Name of library, location of library. Followed by a period. Date internet was accessed Web address Pataki, George. “Capital Punishment is a Deterrent.” Current Controversies: Capital Punishment Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. AVL. GSHS Library. Gulf Shores, AL. 13 March A period must be the last thing on every card. Copyright date of printed source
Pataki, George E. "Capital Punishment Is a Deterrent." Current Controversies: Capital Punishment. Ed. Mary E. Williams. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Gulf Shores High School (AVL). 7 Nov This is the way that AVL cites the same source. Ask your teacher which he or she prefers.
Article from Literary Reference Center on AVL Author of the article – Last name, First name – followed by a period Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation mark Title of the printed source – Underlined – followed by a period Copyright date of the printed source – followed by a period Title of the database – Underlined – followed by a period The words Alabama Virtual Library, or AVL if your teacher permits – followed by a period Name of the library where you accessed the information – followed by a comma City, State where library is located – followed by a period Day month year the article was accessed – no punctuation Complete web address – inside - followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
Literature Resources from Gale article on AVL Ensor, Allison. “Mark Twain.” Writers for Young Adults Literature Resources from Gale. AVL. GSHS Library. Gulf Shores, AL. 7 November Author of article if available Title of article In quotation marks Title of printed source - Underlined Title of database. Underlined Date internet was accessed- NO PUNCTUATION FOLLOWING AVL. Name of library, location of library. Followed by a period. Web address A period must be the last thing on every card. Copyright date of written source
Ensor, Allison. "Mark Twain." Writers for Young Adults. Ed. Ted Hipple. Vol. 3. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, Literature Resources from Gale. Gale. Gulf Shores High School (AVL). 7 Nov This is the way that AVL cites the same source. Ask your teacher which he or she prefers.
General Reference Center Gold magazine or newspaper article on AVL Author of the article – Last name, First name – followed by a period Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation mark Title of the magazine or newspaper – Underlined – followed by a period Day month and year when article was published – followed by a colon Page numbers with dashes between beginning and end – followed by a period Title of the database – Underlined – followed by a period The words Alabama Virtual Library, or AVL if your teacher permits – followed by a period Name of the library where you accessed the information – followed by a comma City, State where library is located – followed by a period Day month year the article was accessed – no punctuation Complete web address – inside - followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
General Reference Center Gold magazine or newspaper article on AVL Johnson, Paul. “The Nonsense of Global Warming.” Forbes. 6 October 2008:25. General Reference Center Gold. AVL. GSHS Library. Gulf Shores, AL. 13 October Author of article if available Title of article In quotation marks Name of magazine or newspaper - Underlined Title of database. Underlined Date internet was accessed- NO PUNCTUATION FOLLOWING AVL. Name of library, location of library. Followed by a period. Web address A period must be the last thing on every card. Date of magazine/ newspaper article- Followed by a colon Page numbers of article
Johnson, Paul. "The Nonsense of Global Warming." Forbes (Oct 6, 2008): 25. General Reference Center Gold. Gale. Gulf Shores High School (AVL). 7 Nov This is the way that AVL cites the same source. Ask your teacher which he or she prefers.
GreenFILE -EBSCO magazine or newspaper article on AVL Author of the article – Last name, First name – followed by a period Title of the article – In quotation marks – with a period inside the end quotation mark Title of the magazine or newspaper – Underlined – followed by a period Day month and year when article was published – followed by a colon Page numbers with dashes between beginning and end – followed by a period Title of the database – Underlined – followed by a period The words Alabama Virtual Library, or AVL if your teacher permits – followed by a period Name of the library where you accessed the information – followed by a comma City, State where library is located – followed by a period Day month year the article was accessed – no punctuation Complete web address – inside - followed by a period. Indent every line EXCEPT the first – Hanging indent A PERIOD must be the LAST thing on every card
GreenFILE -EBSCO magazine or newspaper article on AVL Snell, Justin. “A Tale of Two Immigrants.” Sierra. November 2004: GreenFILE. AVL. GSHS Library. Gulf Shores, AL. 13 October Author of article if available Title of article In quotation marks Name of magazine or newspaper - Underlined Title of database. Underlined Date internet was accessed- NO PUNCTUATION FOLLOWING AVL. Name of library, location of library. Followed by a period. Web address A period must be the last thing on every card. Date of magazine/ newspaper article- Followed by a colon Page numbers of article
Snell, Marilyn Berlin. "A TALE OF two immigrants." Sierra 89.6 (Nov. 2004): GreenFILE. EBSCO. Gulf Shores High School Library. Gulf Shores. 7 Nov This is the way that AVL cites the same source. Ask your teacher which he or she prefers.