P UTT P UTT G OLF C OURSE GT Engineering Seminar Mr. Herdman, Mrs. Earle, Mr. De Leon
I NTRODUCTION You will be designing a “green” with a team that will be part of a larger course consisting of 18 holes. You and your team will be in charge of designing, fabricating, testing, and evaluating the green. Your team has to show a well drawn and thought out proposal before construction begins.
D ESIGN R EQUIREMENTS Your design must fill up a 4’ x 8 ‘ board Your design must use at least 2 simple machines Your design must allow the player to get a “hole-in-one.” Your design must incorporate a hazard Your design must have a “theme” Any decorations or creativity associated with your theme must be brought in by your team. You are allowed to use motors, lights, fountains etc as part of your design.
C OURSE D ECOR We want you to bring in materials, but we can provide some small amounts of materials Discuss with us if there is something you want but cannot find at home or do not know where to get it If our budget allows it we will purchase LED lights for golf holes
S EQUENCE OF D ESIGN, C ONSTRUCTION, AND T ESTING Week 1 – Introduction Brainstorming Come up with teams, team name, theme, ideas, initial rough draft sketches (each team member is required to come up with at least 3 ideas) Week 2 – Finalizing Ideas Your team is to finalize an idea and start coming up with a detailed drawing. Your team must use the computer to create your final design. Designs must be made to scale in either Google Sketch-up or Microsoft Word. Your team must detail items to scale
S EQUENCE OF D ESIGN, C ONSTRUCTION, AND T ESTING Week 3 – 12* (TBD) Construction of the course. Your team will start construction of your design. Most of the construction will be in the Tech-Ed Lab, Room 43. Your team is to focus on the actual course and add the theme once the course has been strongly evaluated. Once your course has been evaluated by a teacher and it meets the design criteria, your team is implement the theme.
F INALIZATION OF D ESIGN Week 13* (TBD) Marketing and Opening You are to market your golf course using photos, creating board that shows your progress, and describing how and what inspired you. Allow the public to play the course