Intellectual Property Dr Laura Rush Business Development Manager Research Enterprise Services copyright©NewcastleUniversity 2015
Research and Enterprise –The majority of innovation in bioscience/healthcare comes from academia. –Newcastle University wants it’s research to have impact in the real world. –Successful exploitation of University intellectual property leads to impact which can benefit the University, its employees, funding bodies, and the economy. –In order to realise the true value of research output, intellectual property must be properly identified, protected and managed. –The Faculty Enterprise Teams works to protect research results arising from all schools and institutes within the University and translate this into impact.
So what is Intellectual Property? Know-how Data Assays Cell models Medical devices Engineered proteins Antibodies Guidelines Questionnaires Software Study Protocols Biomarkers Drug targets Therapeutic agents Apps Etc, etc
Protecting Inventions Can it be protected? –Patents: A legal right granted by a country/territory –Owner can prevent others in that country from using, making or selling the technology for approx. 20 years –Must be ‘new’, and ‘inventive’. –Other ways to protect: Trade Secret Trademark Copyright Design
Talk to your supervisor (is s/he already aware of it) Informal chat with your Business Development Manager Business Opportunities Form Preliminary Opportunity Assessment Don’t tell anyone who isn’t a Newcastle University employee, including undergraduate students (even orally). I think I have something of commercial interest?
Commercial Evaluation- Role of BDM Is it protectable (e.g. by patent/copyright/design) What is the unmet need? How big is the potential market? How much development is needed? What are competitors developing? And what is the USP of the invention? What is the route to market?
Creating Value to Attract Industry The University teaches and researches: it doesn’t take products to market! For that, we need partners. Companies need an incentive to take on the risk and financial investment –Patent protection provides a time-limited monopoly which is essential to offset the cost/risk associated with drug development Drug development is very high risk and costly (£700m +, 10 years to bring a drug to market) Intellectual property is an asset that can be used to generate money to fund further research, develop the University and potentially benefit inventors and society
Confidentiality –Any information received or generated during the course of your time at University should be kept secret and confidential (unless known to be in the public domain) Lab meetings Internal seminars Coffee breaks –All proposed publications to be submitted to your supervisor at least one month prior to submission/presentation Abstracts Posters Oral/powerpoint presentations Manuscripts –If publication contains patentable invention or commercially sensitive information you could be asked to withhold publication.
Intellectual Property Assignment –This Policy sets down that Research Students agree that, as a condition of being accepted for admission to the University, they accept they may be required to assign the IP associated with the project that they conduct in pursuance of their University award (" Student Project”) to the University and, upon request, they will sign documents and do all things necessary to give effect to that assignment. –Agreeing to assign (transfer ownership) of intellectual property developed during your Research Project to Newcastle University University will pay all costs associated with protecting and commercialising the intellectual property –Be treated as staff and receive a share of any revenues obtained by the University upon commercialisation of your technology
Further information Enterprise team, Faculty of Medical Sciences Ground floor, Leech building
Thank you!